
Andy Watson said: I've been visualizing for a long time, but your course took me to a level I've never been to before. Thank you very much!

"Earn Money Easily..."

"This is AMAZING!!"

Hi Carl,

This is amazing!!

For anyone who is doing this for the first time, get ready to enjoy this adventure, I am still enjoying it after more than a week of nightly practice.

Carl thank you for all the time you put in creating this detailed training. You give great instructions.

I visualized my paycheck being several hundred dollars more that it usually is and within one week, I earned the money easily as I was asked to work some overtime during the weekend on some work that was not at all tedious, I can say the extra money came easily.

I plan on getting creative with my visualizing. I am also using this training for other desires as well.

I enjoy the relaxing meditation very much. It is a great way to end my evenings before going to bed. I look forward to it each day.

Thank you.

- Zoe, USA

"Your Abundance Visualization Training course is already working for me."


"In less than a week from doing the counting-money visualization and within 3 days of starting this training, I have manifested $54K"

Dear Carl,

Your Abundance Visualization Training course is already working for me. Thank you very much! You are a great teacher!

My elderly mother passed on 6 weeks ago and, due to family issues, I have to move out of the family home asap. I have no savings, assets or property whatsoever. I can't afford to even rent a room. I have some social security (my country's version of it) but I cannot use it to buy a bedsitter government flat, which costs around $70K (my currency). But I did send in an appeal to them to allow me to use my SS for buying the flat.

For the past 6 weeks, I had watched and read hundreds of videos and websites on manifestation, tapping, binaurals, subliminals, self hypnosis, mantras, music, etc, on the LOA from around 20 or so teachers. Most were more or less helpful but, I felt, not significantly so. I did get several lottery wins totaling about $300 during this period.

Then I came upon Neville Goddard's amazing stories and teachings. Which eventually lead me to your counting-money visualization video and I knew that you, out of all the people teaching the LOA and NG, understood it best and I wanted to learn from you.

From the beginning, I have been trying to manifest $100,000. Last week, after watching your counting-money video, I visualized counting out $100,000 in $100 bills (my currency). From a pile of $100 notes in front of me, I counted out 20 bills, in the same style I usually count notes, to make $2K per bundle and imagined putting a rubber band around each bundle. It took about 20 minutes to finish counting the entire amount. Lol! Looking at the pile of $2K bundles, I happily said to myself, "You are ALL mine and I am going to use you to buy my govt flat. Thank you, thank you, thank you, God and the Universe."

Two days later, I bought your Abundance Visualization Training course and started listening to it this past Sunday. The very next day, I received a letter from our SS saying they can release 44K to me to use for buying the govt flat! This was totally unexpected as most such appeals get rejected. I thanked God, my Unconscious Self, my Higher Self and the Universe and expressed my deepest gratitude for this. A friend who works in govt housing advised me to keep on appealing until they allow me to use the full amount in my SS account.

The next day, Tuesday, I received a cheque for $10K, due to me from my mother's SS account! Again, this was totally unexpected, as I was expecting a much smaller amount and expecting it some time in the future. I again thanked God, my Unconscious Self, my Higher Self and the Universe.

In less than a week from doing the counting-money visualization and within 3 days of starting this training, I have manifested $54K! I think all the other manifestations, tappings, mantras, etc, which I did earlier had also helped in moving me towards my goal. But I feel that this Abundance Visualization Training course had created a strong anchor within my Unconscious Self and to my Higher Self and this is what is making this manifestation work so well for me.

Oh, and since Sunday, I had also won another $150 in the lottery.

I should also mention that I have asked relatives, friends, clients to pray for me, whatever their religion. I like to think of these prayers as being a form of manifestation or desire coming from one person and directed at or sent to another. This must also work, since we are all connected energetically.

Thank you once again. My blessings to you.



"Dreaming Bigger and Bigger..."

"From The First Listening, I Felt Something..."

I loved every bit of it and I went through the whole program.

From the first listening, I felt something. As each day passed by, I found myself dreaming bigger and feeling confident I could achieve everyone of my goals.

As a matter of fact, the ebook I am working on now, was part of my visualizations.

I strongly recommend it to anyone who not only wants to attract more money, but whatever makes them feel fulfilled.

Thanks again for putting this program together.

- Larry Adebesin

Atlanta, Georgia, USA


"Yeah!...It Happened!"

"It's a Wild Story, but it's true!"

Hi, Carl,

I have to tell you the program has brought me hours of fun.

My abundance center is heavenly!

I feel great when I’m there, and believe me, I go there often to create the feelings and things I want to experience.

Just the other day, I was wanting to know what a rough diamond looked like…. Yeah!

It happened!

A friend stopped by and GAVE me a rough diamond he had found years ago in California.

He said the quality isn’t that of pricey diamonds, but it is a beauty!

He was as surprised as I was. He said he was walking out the door and something told him to go back and get one of his diamonds for me.

It’s a wild story, but it’s true.

Who would give up a diamond for a friend?

Someone who imagined it, that’s who!

I imagined it and 3 days later I held a diamond in the rough in my little hand.

Thank you, Carl!

Shirley Bass Deming, New Mexico USA

"Greetings and Welcome!"

My name is Carl Bradbrook and I am so happy that you found your way to the Abundance Visualization Training website.

I wanted you to read a couple of testimonials from customers first before looking at the training videos so that you know that what I am about to share with you is VERY REAL.

Truly, it’s no coincidence that you are here!

The very same power of attraction that brought you here now, is the power of attraction that you can harness, by using your wonderful imagination, to create highly energised positive ‘Imaginary Experiences”, and pull your objectives, goals and desires into your physical reality for you to experience in the NOW

…even if you have never done this kind of EASY learning before.

How To Go Through The Materials On This Website

Before you start to watch the first video I wanted to share with you that I am very much about “Teaching and Training”, so what you will find on this web page is probably going to be a little bit different to what you are used to.

My primary interest is in helping you learn how to use your wonderful imagination, so that you can co-create the kind of life that is truly worth living.

The world truly needs people to step up right now and evolve into the highest version of themselves and that is what I am here to help you do.

Before you start to watch the first video I wanted to share with you that I am very much about "Teaching and Training", so what you will find on this web page is probably going to be a little bit different to what you are used to.

My primary interest is in helping you learn how to use your wonderful imagination, so that you can co-create the kind of life that is truly worth living.

The world truly needs people to step up right now and evolve into the highest version of themselves and that is what I am here to help you do.

So, my advice is to approach this webpage as a learning opportunity and I have laid out the steps of the training for you.

If you watch the 3 videos and read the webpage then you will probably invest around one hour of your life and it is my intention that you consider it a worthwhile and rewarding investment of your most valuable asset...time.

At that point my objective is that you invest in the Abundance Visualization Training Course, so that I have the opportunity to continue to teach and train with you.

It is my desire that you "Master Using Your Imagination", realise your True Nature and co-create that life you were born to live.

Imagination is the most valuable skill that any person can have and one that all people should aspire to embody.

Einstein is noted as having said "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

As you go through this web page you will find that this is a "Doing It Now - Imagination Training" with highly relevant knowledge to train your Unconscious Mind and satisfy the inquisitiveness of your Conscious Mind 🙂

Finally I would like to thank you in advance for being here and being you!

Namaste and blessings to you!

Carl 🙂

"Decided To Delve Deeper and Face My Fear!"

"The Missing Jigsaw Piece"

Hi Carl ,

My name is Andy I am 44 years young I have a wife and 2 kids typical set up and life . the mortgage the bills the stress of every day life etc etc

Without going into a long winded explanation I tell you that the past 6 months my understanding of life and the universe has jumped to a ridiculously high level.

I have never been religious and have just muddled my way through life experiencing and responding the typical lack of thinking way we are programmed to.

However I stumbled upon a video about the illumanati and was horrified at what was going on and dipped into a level of deep emotional turmoil I then decided to delve deeper to face my fear and stumbled on a video by a man called David Wilcock who spoke about the source field and backed it up scientifically and my interest peaked like never before.

I went from there to various lectures by Bruce Lipton, Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks and Gregg Braden then to Neville Goddard who sent tingles down my spine literally ………..

Now I find you and listen to the way you speak and explain the simple complexities of life and I find it like the missing jigsaw piece .. I feel that your course or material and your input is what I need and want to develop myself in so many ways.

I thank you for what I have heard so far it has been of great value.

Kind Regards

Andy Muirhead U.K.

So let's get started...

Abundance Visualization Training Is Unconscious Mind Training

This course is training for your Unconscious Mind which is why I call it “Unconscious Mind Training”. The use of deep states of relaxation (Alpha and Theta) allows for the new information to be easily and effortlessly input and programmed into your Unconscious Mind.

From then on you will be easily able to direct the use of this new programming “Consciously” and you will be able to “Direct Your Unconscious Mind” to achieve things for you whilst you carry on with your daily life. You will develop the ability to communicate effectively with your Unconscious Mind.

By the time you have finished this training you will have developed... “Visualization/Imaginary Experience Skills” that most people only dream about having.

You can then use this language of the mind “Visualization/Imaginary Experiences” to let your Unconscious Mind know what it is that you desire to co-create and experience in your life.

This is an “ON-going” life skill that is transformative. Once you start to develop this new skill work regularly with it and seek to continuously improve it.

It is not hypnosis or subliminal. It requires your conscious participation which is why it works harmoniously. Conscious and Unconscious Harmony is what gets you what you desire to experience.

Understanding and Doing

“Abundance Visualization Training” is a quick and easy guided imagination training that you can learn quickly and practice it and use for the rest of your life.

It teaches you to utilize the greatest power that you have within you, — which is your Wonderful Imagination–

In fact you will learn how to develop a harmonious relationship between your conscious and your Unconscious Mind so that you can direct it to bring you what you desire to experience in your life.

“Abundance Visualization Training” is a “Doing It Now” course and has been designed this way to help defeat procrastination, and get you moving fast.

What I would like to offer you in this course is both an “Understanding”, which is what the conscious mind seeks, and a “Doing” which is the only way that your Unconscious Mind can give you what you want.

This is not simply a guided Imagination/visualization course, it is a complete series of guided imagination and visualization trainings that are designed in a way that you learn to communicate effectively with your Unconscious Mind.

"Exceeded Expectations"

"Gratitude, Appreciation, Respect"

Dear Carl

Please accept my gratitude, appreciation and respect for all you do.

Each course I have purchased from you has exceeded expectations.

Your boundless enthusiasm shines through.

Thank you.


– Robert Jefford

Your Training Begins With Reading and Listening to Specific Audios.


Start with the 8 mind training audio’s plus read the manuals and also start reading/listening to the The Law and The Promise audio book from Neville Goddard.

These audio’s are designed to provide some learnings and ideas for your conscious and unconscious minds to work with.

The first two audio's talk about "What You picture in Your Mind " and "How to Create Mind Pictures"


The methodology of “Using your Imagination”, also called “Creative Visualization” is discussed in the first two audio’s: “What You picture in Your Mind ” and “How to Create Mind Pictures”.


The third audio is called “Tap,Tap,Tap” and powerfully demonstrates how you can use the power of repetition positively and harmoniously to impress your Unconscious Mind with the desires that you wish to experience in your life.


The fourth and fifth audio’s demonstrate ways “How you can really make use of that IMPORTANT 95% of your mind that most other people don’t use”.


The sixth audio explains how important “Relaxation” is in the creative process. If you currently find it difficult to relax “Abundance Visualization Training” will definitely and easily teach you how.


The seventh audio discusses (If you set a money goal)”How much is the right amount for you to aim for as your money goal”. This is important and will help ensure your success.


The eighth audio is an inspiring story and an excellent example of “How opportunity can come to you” and REMEMBER…. the Universe has unlimited ways – so allow the way that is right for you!!!


Having listened to the audio’s and read the manuals and other training materials you would now have the understanding…

You have an unlimited success power within you which, –when you learn how to use it correctly– , will give you whatever you desire to experience in your life or something even better.


To access this power quickly, easily and positively you must use the “Language of the Mind” . We call this creating “Imaginary Experiences and Visualization”


To achieve ANY goal in life…you must consistently, persistently and effectively impress upon your Unconscious Mind what you desire until it’s a part of who you are. Then you can move to your next desire.


Your Higher Self and Unconscious Mind Know How To Make You As Successful As You Want To BE…

…And what you consciously don’t already know, you can instruct your Unconscious Mind to find and do for you!

The fact is that your Higher Self and your Unconscious Mind knows exactly how to make you successful in ANY and all areas of your life. (Your Unconscious Mind also knows how to make you unsuccessful 🙂

Your Unconscious Mind is infinitely intelligent and loves you unconditionally, but over the years it has been confused as to what it is that you actually want from life.

So on a day to day basis your Unconscious Mind does what it thinks you want it to do and it does this relentlessly.

But it doesn’t always seem to >>>give you what you actually want<<< …does it?

Think about this…

For as long as you live…

….you can and do, EVERYDAY, stake your life on the fact, that you think your Unconscious Mind is going to give you EXACTLY what you want!

You get up in the morning and proceed through the day to get what you want and have the experiences you desire...not experience an endless procession of what you don’t want…


Whilst your Unconscious Mind is performing it’s duty RELENTLESSLY …your conscious mind…

observes, directs, performs actions and enjoys (you’re getting what you want)


or observes, complains, does nothing and doesn’t enjoy (you’re NOT getting what you want)


You may have experienced any or all of the following:

You want to be wealthy and rich…. but you can’t seem to get beyond a certain level.


You want to be healthy and fit…but you can’t stop eating the yummy, tasty junk food.


You want a perfect relationship…but you keep ending up in one that not quite right.


You want to pursue a career that you love… but you keep doing your current job to pay the bills.


You want to be happy and joyful but life seems to keep serving up a big portion of unpalatable experiences.


Why is it that no matter how hard you try….

…you cant you seem to get…

EXACTLY what you want?

How do we do this?

Even though…YOU know what you want (perhaps you do…If you have your Higher Self guidance)

…there is a bigger part of you that doesn’t quite understand…

It’s the 95% of your mind that most people don’t know how to use… It’s your loving servant…your Unconscious Mind!

Therefore, to experience what it is that you TRULY in your HEART want from life…

…you need to input some new instructions so that your Unconscious Mind can RELENTLESSLY follow your new instructions and you can experience the happiness and joy of living that you are really seeking.

We learn and use the “Language of the Mind”, more specifically…


You learn to use the “language of YOUR OWN Unconscious Mind”


Which is, of course, creating specific and positive visualizations and imaginary experiences to input new directions in a way that is right for you….

…..AND receiving feedback and directions which –you can then follow enjoyably to the outcome of your dreams!

You may think this sounds simple…and it is!

In fact it is even a lot of…

“Connection To A Higher Consciousness”

I had no idea “how” connected I was until you said ” I would ask that your higher consciousness give you a sign…

Hi Carl ,

Thanks for making this course available I have indeed purchased it and will be starting the process right away I will endeavor to do it justice I am determined to utilize all the knowledge I gain and make a better life for me and my family and hopefully spread my own success to others who have the capacity to have an open mind to possibilities.

I will admit I jumped straight into your abundance booster audio file ( sorry) however I have to say the reason I did was I have been listening to a lot of Abundance type audio material ( mostly brain sync type) so I wanted to just evaluate it briefly, As I will often drift off in bed listening to the likes of Esther Hicks , or Neville Goddard or as I said Brain Sync - material by Kelly Howell.

Your audio file - abundance booster is the most powerful I have listened to for getting a connection to a higher consciousness as when I listened to it I had no idea "how" connected I was until you said " I would ask that your higher consciousness give you a sign " I had an immediate effect like a rush when right through my body the only way I could describe it is if your in a memory that invokes a feeling of love from the stomach out well I felt it like a huge rush of that magnified , actually brought tears to my eyes, pure joy though.

Sorry for going on again I tend to expand in my thoughts especially when I am writing anything. which is where my real talent lies, I suspect, ha ha, kept getting ideas jumping into my head about writing a book .....

I will keep in touch,

Thanks again all the best to you and your family and friends.

Andy Muirhead U.K.

REMEMBER: Many of Your “Success Skills” are already imprinted in your Unconscious Mind, And NOW… You are learning to access them Easily!

Learning to co-create using your Wonderful Imagination, visualizing and creating mind pictures is like learning to ride a bicycle…

The first step is riding the bicycle, with training wheels, and the parent holding the saddle.Then the child learns to ride the bicycle with training wheels on it’s own.

Then after the child has gained confidence the training wheels are removed and the parent runs along side holding the saddle just in case…

After some practice…maybe a few hours or days…the training wheels are off and the parents have let go and the child is riding the bicycle freely on it’s own with the parents nearby for assurance.

Graduation is when the child simply jumps on it’s bicycle and goes wherever it desires, master of it’s own journey.

All the coaching that you will need is comprehensively covered by:

The “Abundance Visualization Training Members Area”


The “Action Steps Manual”


The ” Daily Coaching Audio’s”


The “Training Audio’s”


The “Highly Relevant Bonuses”


“Email support for your questions”


And also in the additional training videos that you will find on the new Abundance Adventures website starting February 2014.


All Of Your Training Materials Are Fully Accessible In Your Abundance Visualization Training Members Area:

The Abundance Visualization Training Course Contains The Following Components:


There is a huge amount of information provided in the Training Members Area for you and here is a very brief overview.

NOTE: Please Also Visit the Abundance Visualization Full Training Overview Page. You will find a link in menu at the top of this page or you can click this link to open the Full Training Overview Page in a new window

The Unconscious and Conscious Mind Training Audios



The mind training audios and information contained within the course is designed to provide knowledge, information, learning’s and ideas for your Conscious and Unconscious Minds to work with.

Included are:

What you picture in your mind


How to create mind pictures


Tap Tap Tap


Mental Brownies


Invisible Council


How Much Money To Go For


The Power of Relaxation


How Your Good May Come To You


The Coaching Audios



Each day there is a coaching audio to play before the guided (closed eye session).

This provides additional knowledge, information, learning’s and ideas for your Conscious and Unconscious Minds to work with. It’s a pep-talk before you go into action with the guided audios.

Included are:

About The Coaching Audios


Step 1 – Day 1 Coaching


Step 2 -Day 2 Coaching


Step 3 -Day 3 Coaching


Step 4 -Day 4 Coaching


Additional coaching is also given throughout the members area.

The Abundance Visualization Training Manuals and Guides



Included are:

What’s It All About?


Action Steps Manual


Invisible Council Study Guide


Goals Form and Goals Tracking Form


The Guided Audios



The following audios are the part of the course where you get to take action and work harmoniously with your Unconscious Mind and True Self/higher Self.

Step 1 – Day 1 Universal Connection


Step 2 – Day 2 First Visit and Set-Up Inner Abundance Center


Step 3 – Day 3 Visit Inner Abundance Center (Variation)


Step 4 – Day 4 Visit-Inner Abundance-Center (Variation)


Special Purpose Visits


Universal Manifesting


Universal Marketing


Joy, Happiness and Self Loving


Laugh Your Way To The Bank


Your Highly Relevant Bonuses


The bonuses are covered in more detail in the next section and include:

The Super Money Abundance Booster


The Law and The Promise Audio and Ebook


The Counting Cash Video


The Wallet/Purse Tornado Guided Audio


REMEMBER: Please Also Visit the Abundance Visualization Full Training Overview Page. You will find a link in menu at the top of this page or you can click this link to open the Full Training Overview Page in a new window

Note From Carl : The following is a testimonial for just using the Wallet Purse Tornado audio alone.

This stuff is POWERFUL, period...

“200% work came to my business in 2 DAYS.“

“Well, here the story…

I am running an online business which was going quite well.

Carl gave me his audio, but…. I listen to it just because he is a friend and Goshhhhhhh.

200% work came to my business in 2 DAYS.

This stuff is POWERFUL, period…

So much work that I stop advertizing as I can’t do it all now, overloaded.

Note that I am a very skeptical person and I do not believe in this kind of stuff,

The 15 mins I spent listening to his audio is the best time well spent for me in a long time. I decide to listen to it everyday as part of my routine.

Thanks Carl!

Bruno, France

Your Highly Relevant Bonuses

A bonus should be very relevant to the training that you are purchasing and should enhance and add to your experience and mastery of the training.

With that thought in mind I have added the following highly relevant bonuses.

The Any Time and Many Times Abundance Booster


This is the audio that Andy mentioned in his testimonial.

Once you have started to work your way through the course you can use the Abundance Booster audio. It’s a nice little refresher where you can hop right in and start flowing some money and experiences to you and through you.

I would suggest that you do this audio multiple times as part of your Unconscious Mind Training.

Interview From 2011 with Carl Harvey


This is an interview that I did with Carl Harvey back in 2011 and has some excellent visualization and manifesting tips from both of our experiences. There is one particular theme that runs through the interview that I’d like for you to notice. See if you can spot it and leave a comment in the members area.

The interview covers both this Abundance Visualization Training, which at that time was the earlier Version 2 and called Unique Idea Generator and also the Subliminal Image and Affirmation software that I created and personally use daily called Visualization Turbo.

Counting Cash


This is a method of generating money that I find consistently works for me:

One way/method that has worked for many many people to generate money (I’ve received loads of thank you emails and comments) is the simple free video that I put on YouTube a few years ago. I have put this in the Resources area for you to watch. This method can be used in deeper states of consciousness with the Universal Marketing/Manifesting audio.

Please note that I said this is “One Way” to create an Imaginary Experience of receiving cash. My suggestions is for you to do this to have this experience and also to work with your Unconscious Mind to come up with the way that is right for you.

You will most likely discover many ways as your Unconscious Mind is AMAZING, LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY and wants you to succeed!

When you manifest cash using this method please leave a comment on the YouTube page and on the Counting Cash page.

The Law And The Promise Audio Book and ebook by Neville Goddard Narrated By Carl Bradbrook



Neville Goddard is one of the great metaphysical teachers of the 20th century and has a most profound impact on students, simply because what he teaches is easy to follow and works with the precision of a Swiss clock.

If you are already a fan of Neville Goddard then you will be very familiar with the idea that “Imagining Creates Reality”. If you are not familiar with Neville, then you are in for an absolute treat!

The Law and The Promise is one of his easiest to understand books and It gives a large selection of real-life examples of people who used the creative power of their imagination to create extraordinary success in their lives.

Included are:

New Homes


Unsold Homes Selling


New Business


Perfect Partners


Cash Windfalls


Lavish Abundance


Abundant Travel


Spiritual Awakenings


Personal Transformations


Healings of Self and For Others


Study of Neville’s materials and the methods of imagining that people used is extremely good information for your Conscious and Unconscious Minds to work with

Today is Practice For Tomorrow...

There is only one moment that you can ever “Take Action” and that is in the NOW.

This is where the power is. Right here and right now.

The eternal now is where you are going to find your breakthroughs and when you get this simple distinction, then that is the moment that your life begins to trance-end to new levels of Joy and Happiness.

The Abundance Visualization Training course is so very simple and most often in life it is the simple things that have the biggest effect.

Give the course a go… you are covered by my 100% no questions asked guarantee.

The truth is, once you go through the course and really integrate the learning’s and actions you’ll be amazed at the results you are getting and I very much doubt you’ll want to part with it.

On that note…

I’ll leave you to make your choice and if you have any questions please email me using the form in the menu at the top of the page.

Wishing you all the SUCCESS you can IMAGINE!

Carl 🙂


Carl Bradbrook

Abundance Visualization Training

P.S. Remember, this training contains –real actionable techniques and EASY TO USE processes– which will move you inwardly towards co-creating magnificent and fun manifestations in your life.

Abundance Visualization Training has worked for other people just like you, it’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money. Even a stuck in the mud “Realist” could make this work for them!

Copyright © 2014 - 2020 AbundanceVisualizationTraining by Carl Bradbrook

Copyright © 2014 - 2020 AbundanceVisualizationTraining
by Carl Bradbrook