From: Carl Andrew Bradbrook
Date: 15th March 2024, 3.33pm
If you are ready to book you Ticket for the Higher Self Cornerstone Workshops CLICK HERE
Why Now is The Right Time To Master Your Relationship With Your Higher Self
Welcome! Great that you are here!
What i want to share with you today is "very simple".
We live in times that are harder than they were ten years ago.
And that hasn't always been the case...
Sometimes the economy is on the rise and people's faith and hope is on the rise and everybody believes that everything is going to get better.
But the reality is that, life is cyclical and sometimes things get better and sometimes they don't.
And whether they're getting better or whether they're getting worse...
some people are doing better and some people are doing worse.
In the good times it is always easier for people to make headway, (even if they have never meditated or given a thought towards improving their life.)
But when the times get tough (like many are experiencing) then having personal inner guidance, heightened intuition and simply KNOWING what to do at any given moment becomes a "Superpower".
So how do you change?
How do you become one of those rare individuals who is Self-Initiated and no matter what adversity they face, always lands on their feet (more often with a grin on their face)
History Shows Us The Way...
It doesn't matter where you look in history; which religious path you observe; what you do for business or work; which self help program you follow; which sport or hobby you participate in ...
...the people at the top of all honest, worthwhile endeavors on this planet are the ones who put their "Inner Connection and Inner Journey" FIRST.
In Egypt Joseph interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh when no other could. He said that he, a man could not interpret Pharaohs dreams, BUT God would.
His interpretation was of 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine and Pharaoh saw Josephs' Divine Gifts and Talents at work in him and made him in charge of all of Egypt.
He wisely managed Egypt during the years of abundance and prepared Egypt for the years of famine.
And his diligent use of his God given gifts and talents served him well.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Mathew; 6:33 KJV
When you align to your Higher Self, your TRUE SELF, your Eternal Self, you will get the Right Guidance For You.
It's that simple
Most of the world is running around following "signs and fools" that continuously fail them, yet they keep doing it expecting different results.
However when we follow the guidance of our Higher Self, all of our "Inner Forces and and Power" begin to line up in the right direction and we begin to experience things going our way.
And what a relief that can be!
Our "Live" Higher Self Cornerstone Workshops begin promptly on the 31st March and we really look forward to you joining us!
IF you join before the 25th March 2024 you receive your "VERY Early Bird discount"
Ready To Join Us? CLICK HERE
(or Click the ticket and get your discount)
Here's a few Benefits Of Aligning To Your Higher Self
(We will be covering this and more in DETAIL in Workshop #1 as you create your intentions):
- You'll feel more peaceful, calm and certain when you align to your Higher Self. There is a very real sense of “Everything Working Out”
- You will notice you have significantly higher energy levels. A REAL experience of connection and purpose banishes forever the boredom and sameness that drains the life out of the Ego centered man or woman. Energy is the currency of the Divine and connection delivers it "in spades"
- Your intuition will become increasingly accurate. Really it's wild when you just know things and you know how things will go. We will cover this more when we dive into "Choosing and Activating Your Superpowers" (you will learn to walk in FAITH)
- You will start to notice that you are developing a “Clarity of Mind” that you never had before when you were living your life overly influenced by the external world
- You will start tuning into and recognizing your own “Unique (and correct) Inner Guidance”.
- You'll feel more and more confident as you become familiar with and take guidance from the powerful Divine levels of you that were ignored for so long (learning to TRUST yourself will unlock many new opportunities for you)
- Your path in life will become more clear and feel right for you (in contrast to Ego direction; where confusion and procrastination reign)
- You'll make better choices and decisions will become easier. You will feel/know it when something is right and be aware when something is wrong (eventually, with practice, you'll stop making wrong decisions that are out of alignment with your highest good)
- You'll find taking the right actions becomes second nature as you become more closely connected with your Higher Consciousness
- Synchronicities will start happening for you as you set your intentions and follow your intuition on your Highest Life path.
- You will find your Flow State and delight in slipping into your power and purpose (It's almost addictive to be in alignment with your true path and live it)
- You'll find it so very much easier to change because your Higher Self KNOWS what to change and when to change it, giving you the most pivotal compounding breakthroughs
- Getting unstuck rapidly (clearing in the moment) becomes a natural habit for you as you manage your Focus and Consciousness.
- Your feeling of better health and divine well-being will begin to permeate your consciousness and physical being
- You'll know what it's like to have first, an Increasing feeling of Abundance AND then a TRUE feeling of embodying abundance to the point where the worries you used to have are impossible to comprehend anymore. (It's like you were tapped on the shoulder by the Magicians Abundance Wand and fear, worry and lack just disappeared.)
- You will find (as you become more awake and aware) that you are attracting to you all that you need to properly achieve all that you have intended in your life. It begins with the intentions, knowledge, methods and experiences. (This will be covered in more details in Workshop #2)
- You will naturally start attracting better experiences in life and especially so as you "begin designing what you TRULY want" (not Your EGO's yearnings) in alignment with your Highest Life Path
- You will attract higher frequency people. Some people will leave your path and others join. AND you'll find it easier (and for the Highest Good of all) to let go of those who are no longer a frequency and energy match for the NEW YOU.
- As your energy and frequency move higher, it's no longer possible for low frequency people (energy vampires, critics and judgemental people...) to stay in your circle. (unless you choose it).
- The QUALITY of your relationships will soar as YOU finally choose people that are aligned to your True Self and are suited to who you are and who you are becoming
- IF this is your desire ... you will attract right romantic and love partner (and easily let go of relationships that no longer serve you). As you become MORE of what you desire you will attract more of what you desire. It's up to you to change first, that has always been the only way.
- You'll Attract the right places and situations and finally choose to occupy them (Old places and environments that mirrored older versions of you will no longer be comfort zones)
- Faith and Trust will become your constant companions. This is amazing to experience when you get to the point where you KNOW that you are guided, you are taking appropriate consequential action and you KNOW things are going to work out.
- Being grateful will BE natural, easy and feel real. This is REAL! You don't need to affirm gratitude... it just becomes a part of who you are..
- THIS IS LIFE CHANGING. You will develop a level of ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY for everything in your life. (It will empower you and transform you to the core of you being. You will never be the same)
- Thankfulness for ALL in your life (no matter what is currently presenting itself) will make sense and be natural. Life is a series of waves and cycles and you will learn how to bring out the best in yourself in ALL situations
- You will have a “Deeper appreciation of your life” ; A reverence for the greatest gift that was ever given.
- When your Higher Self is ready, you will start to have Mystical Experiences. Your Higher Self KNOWS where you are at and as you follow your chosen Highest Life Path as guided, more and more will be revealed to you.
- Your Spiritual Evolution will significantly accelerate. This is TRUE. Spiritual Evolution is not linear. When you do the work diligently you can move forwards in leaps and bounds.
What I have shared here is the "Tip of The Iceberg"as to what you can expect as you embody your true nature of your Higher Self consciousness.
We will be covering and including your "Metaphysical" Superpowers in the workshop (These too can be activated with intention and progress on your journey)
Ready To Join Us? CLICK HERE
(or Click the ticket and get your discount)
Here is a brief overview of what we will be doing in our TWO "Live" Workshops together...
- Aligning and connecting you with your Higher Self and Higher Levels of Consciousness. (Think of this as a "Spiritual Home-Coming" and reboot of your dormant Spiritual Powers - Knowledge and Processes)
- Connecting you with the Unconditionally Loving Shekinah (Divine Feminine Energies) and the New Earth which already exists and is ready now to welcome us. Man and Woman alike this is for you! (Deep "Core of Creation" - Process and Gift )
- Creating and embodying your "Powerful Intentions" for your relationship with your Higher Self (Knowledge and Processes)
- Learning to effectively ask questions to Your Higher Self (Stories, Knowledge and Processes)
- Learning how to accurately interpret the guidance that your Higher Self is giving to you (Stories, Knowledge and Processes)
- Each Workshop will have a Q&A session and all your important questions will be answered. (Making sure you have your Inner Alignment between your Conscious and Unconscious Minds)
- There will be simple, easy practice for you to do during the week between each session. (Deepening your connection and building your POWERFUL Life-Liberating habits)
If you have not yet experienced the magical, mystical, delightful, delicious energy of a workshop where people gather in a group to do deep inner work, meditation and commune with their Higher Self higher consciousness then you are in for a real treat!
Our "Live" Workshops begin promptly on the 31st March and we really look forward to you joining us! (these workshops will be recorded and available in the members area if you can't make it live)
IF you join before the 25th March 2024 you receive your "VERY Early Bird discount"
Ready To Join Us? CLICK HERE
(or Click the ticket and get your discount)
Here are a few testimonials (i thought are relevant) from "Live" workshop/webinar attendees, trainings, coaching clients. (A couple of them I have listed some key points as the testimonials were very long)
For more testimonials please visit this page on my website:
Mike shares his experience of working with Carl
"I've done lots of training courses but I can honestly say that this one really stands out for me."
Just wanted to express my deep gratitude to you for being our awesome guide through this SIMS training.
I know that you had your challenges and I appreciated your honesty and vulnerability in sharing your blocks and how you revised them. There is nothing quite like in the moment examples like yours that really drive home the messages in your wonderful teachings.
Thank you also for going the extra mile for all of us by really being there to answer all of our questions and going for 2 or more hours for each call then giving us bonus calls - you really ROCK!!!
I've done lots of training courses but I can honestly say that this one really stands out for me.
I want to do you proud by applying what you taught us here. I will be emailing you soon with lots of success stories. 🙂
Peace and love to you always,
Patty xoxo
"People are commenting on how calm and peaceful I am and that I give off such a happy vibe! (BIG CHANGE)"
Hi Carl,
I want to let you know how very much I loved your Imagine Manifest Class. Your class has had a HUGE and noticeable impact on my life.
People are commenting on how calm and peaceful I am and that I give off such a happy vibe! (BIG CHANGE)
You've given me the tools I need to not only help myself, but help others! I now feel empowered to move forward in partnership with my super powerful Unconscious Mind, clearing and revising along my merry way while creating a beautiful and fulfilling life moving forward.
I can't express how much this has meant to me, and I'm sad the class is over! I'll miss hearing your lovely accent! Thank you for being so authentic and vulnerable yourself.
You really touched us all!
Hugs and Big Thanks, Jan.
Jan Davidson - USA
"I’m making real money at my job for the first time in my 29 year career."
Hi Carl,
Wow!! I’ve gotta say the coaching we did at the end of March really set things in motion!
I’m making real money at my job for the first time in my 29 year career. I feel better on a daily basis, my spiritual practices are steadying, my relationships with people have improved and I’m getting clearer all the time about which way to go in life. Very happy about that!!
And the best part is I can tell that it’s just getting started!! I’m just scratching the surface with all these improvements!!
Thank you so much!!
Good on yer and many blessings!!
Mike K - USA
"...every journey and its manifestations requires the inspiration and guidance of our Higher Self in order for lasting change and inner peace..."
Thank you, Carl!
And thanks for the name clarification - I got it! 😉
I've been on this path (or some variation of it) for a long time. Have had a few very cool manifestations, have been part of some amazing communities, and loved my teachers and books.
But I've known for a while now that every journey and its manifestions requires the inspiration and guidance of our Higher Self in order for lasting change and inner peace from beginning to end. I've manifested both with and without (Higher Self), and the difference is been striking.
What has drawn me to this program of yours is your intent focus on exactly that. Your webinar felt refreshing, and I look forward to your guidance in this material to bring coherence to my currently scattered mindset.
Big appreciation and love.
"I had no idea “how” connected I was until you said ” I would ask that your higher consciousness give you a sign…"
Hi Carl ,
...Your audio file – abundance booster is the most powerful I have listened to for getting a connection to a higher consciousness as when I listened to it I had no idea “how” connected I was until you said ” I would ask that your higher consciousness give you a sign ”
I had an immediate effect like a rush went right through my body the only way I could describe it is if your in a memory that invokes a feeling of love from the stomach out... well I felt it like a huge rush of that magnified , actually brought tears to my eyes, pure joy though....
Thanks again all the best to you and your family and friends.
Andy Muirhead U.K.
I just wanted to let you know that it’s only been about 10 days since you and I started working together and I’ve already had a major life goal manifest.
Hi there Carl,
I just recently started thinking that I wanted to find and Work with the most high level coach I could find. I’ve done a lot of self development work over the last 30 years so really wanted someone that was ahead of me in a significant way.
I have several major goals I wanted to manifest and was bumping into obstacles so knew I needed to clear out whatever was blocking the way.
One morning I woke up and your name dropped into my consciousness….obviously from my higher self lol! Anyway I reached out and booked a session with you as I felt called.
And get this, my vision was that whoever rented our place had plenty of funds and paid a full year in advance......
...The years rent funds were deposited into our bank account yesterday and they move in tomorrow!!
Another major event popped in and that was that my daughter who hasn’t spoken to me in six months emailed me and said hi that she loves and misses me.
Thank you so so so so so much Carl you’re training is next level amazing!!!!
SuniRae, USA
Here’s what you get when you join the Higher Self Cornerstone Workshops:
The Live Workshops
The two Cornerstone Workshops will be held "Online" on:
- Sunday the 31st March and
- Sunday the 7th April
The reason that I chose "Sundays" is that most people will be able to relax and gift themselves some time out from the world and focus on their inner journeys. You'll also be able to integrate your changes with a good nights sleep.
You'll want to allocate 3 hours as we will be doing some deep meditation/imagination sessions. This is going to be process oriented so that you get the maximum benefits. (we may run for longer... up to 4 hours for Workshop #1)
You can think of these workshops as Mini Online Retreats (We will have a couple of bathroom/refreshment breaks during the sessions.)
Workshop access information including times will be posted in the members area prior to the events. You will also receive details by email and "Reminder" emails prior to the workshops (more about the members area in a moment)
Within 24 hours of the completion of the workshops, all of the recorded materials will have been posted online in the members area for those who were not able to attend live and for review for those who did attend
Your Pre-workshop and Recorded "Live" Workshop Materials
You will received the following in the Members Area:
- Two Pre-workshop Video Trainings:
1) Introduction to The Higher Self and The Ego
2) A Model of the World - Two Sets of videos from the "Live Workshops"
- Transcriptions of the "Live Workshops"
- mp3 audios of the Inner Journeys from each of the workshops
- mp3 audios of the processes
Your Members Area
When you order your Higher Self Cornerstone “Live” Workshops you will immediately be added as a “Workshop Member” and you’ll have immediate access to the Members Area, which is where you will go to access the:
- “Live” workshop information,
- watch your pre-workshop training,
- download post-workshop training materials
- and ask your questions.
You’ll have unlimited access to the entire training… forever.
As long I’m in business training and coaching, you’ll have access to all of it; 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 365 days a year; From anywhere in the world (as long as you’ve got a device that can get online.)
Support For You
After you purchase your ticket and before the workshops begins I would like you to "email me"(use link in the members area ) and let me know your issues that you are currently having challenges with in your life and are working to resolve and "Your biggest Questions about Your Higher Self"
I will be reading all of these and making sure that I cover what people need to know in the workshops.
During each workshop there will be opportunities for you to ask questions and also share your experience with the processes. It is always very interesting to hear what kind of experience people have;
At the close of the second workshop I will be sharing with you what you can do moving forwards as you deepen your connection with your Higher Self and practice and develop your skills, gifts and talents.
Our "Live" Higher Self Cornerstone Workshops begin promptly on the 31st March and we really look forward to you joining us!
Invest in yourself now...
UPDATE: Ticket sales are no longer available for this workshop.
You can Click this link and subscribe to join our "Workshop Waitlist"
(You will be notified when the next workshop opens)
If you would like to inquire about Private Coaching when I help you to "Imagine and Manifest your desires" then click the link below:
What happens when you join The Higher Self Help Cornerstone “Live” Workshops.
You will immediately be added as a "Workshop Participant” and your "Log IN" credentials will be rushed to you by email.
You’ll have immediate access to the NEW Higher Self Cornerstone Workshops “Members Area”, which is where you will go to download your training materials and ask your questions.
- When you arrive at the "Members Home Page" you will find your welcome instructions. (go through them)
- You will also find links to the Pre-Workshop Training Materials page. There are 2 (two) videos providing you with foundational information on the Higher Self and an Energetic Model of the World overview.
- There are two additional pages for the Week One and Two "Live" workshops. On these pages you will find the details for joining the "Live" events and also this is where you will download your workshop materials after the events.
- Each page has a comments section for you to "ask your questions and receive answers from me". Using the comments section helps us to share our communications for the benefit of all. There is also a link to the contact form.
My Higher Self Help Workshops Guarantee
… you are not on the hook even a little bit by attending our Higher Self Cornerstone Workshops, because you have my…
30 Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Let me be even more generous with my guarantee.
That’s 30 days from when we start our workshops (not from when you enroll)
- What this means is that when you join us in the "live" workshops, you can really dive deep into the training and give it all that you’ve got; which is what I will be doing too.
- PLUS you then get FULL access to all of the recorded materials after the workshops have finished and you have plenty of time to go deeper into what you learned.
- You also get the opportunity to ask your questions about working with your Higher Self (so that you are finally clear and free.)
With all my heart I want you to succeed and I will be bending over backwards (yoga style) to make sure that I do whatever I can do to help you.
Invest in yourself now...
UPDATE: Ticket sales are no longer available for this workshop.
You can Click this link and subscribe to join our "Workshop Waitlist"
(You will be notified when the next workshop opens)
If you would like to inquire about Private Coaching when I help you to "Imagine and Manifest your desires" then click the link below:
Click here to email me for Private Coaching
Activating Your Higher Self and the Power of The "Domino Effect"
Here’s a two minute (2min 33sec ) video that will give you an idea of the IMMENSE POWER you can "Unleash" in YOUR LIFE by taking even the smallest steps.
Imagine what aligning to your Higher Self could do for you....
Join us "Live" and book your seat on this Higher Self Immersion Experience
UPDATE: Ticket sales are no longer available for this workshop.
You can Click this link and subscribe to join our "Workshop Waitlist"
(You will be notified when the next workshop opens)
If you would like to inquire about Private Coaching when I help you to "Imagine and Manifest your desires" then click the link below:
How To Start TRULY Enjoying Your Voyage of Life
Whether you are sailing towards a Material, Psychological or Spiritual goal you can stop worrying and start enjoying your journey when you are aligned to your Higher Self.
And if you have not yet set sail on your life quest, then you can rest assured your Higher Self is there to guide you and help you start.