"Live" Teleseminar Workshops

1) Higher Self Connection and Communication

The next "Live" workshop coming up is Your Higher Self Connection and Communication teleseminar workshop.

It's going to be VERY process oriented, so that you can quickly deepen your connection with your Higher Self and get the very best guidance working in your life.

Here's what we will cover:

    • You'll learn a simple and effective Higher Self connection process that only takes a few minutes and sets you up for your next steps. You can use this in the morning to set up your day or use it when you are stuck and don't know what to do next. You can also use it to set up your sleep.
    • Set intentions for how you would like your relationship with your Higher Self to be and then do an Ancient Manifesting Process to command our intentions are manifested
    • Talk on how your Unconscious Mind works extremely well to create change when you use "Metaphors of The Deep Unconscious" to communicate your desires. (Everything in existence is energy. Metaphors describe the energy that we experience.)
    • You will then take a "Magical Metaphor Journey" through your Deep Unconscious Mind and imprint powerful metaphor instructions to deepen your connection with your Higher Self and accelerate your evolution on your journey .
    • Next you will learn How to ask questions to your Higher Self and learn how to receive the answers. (Effective communication with your Higher Self is KEY to achieving your desires.)
    • Then we will have a Question and Answer Session and you'll have some easy homework that will exponentially accelerate your embodiment and integration of what you learned in the session.
    • Seven days later we will meet for your follow up Question and Answer workshop where I will answer questions that have come up for you as you integrate your powerful relationship with your loving Higher Self.

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