“If You Have Been Trying To Succeed For Years And STILL Find Yourself Bouncing From One Opportunity To The Next — From One Shiny Object To The Next… From One Guru To The Next… From One Method To The Next… And Yet STILL Have Few Results, Scarce Success And No Wins… Then Let This IMAGINATION, Revision & Energy Clearing Transform You And Your Life!”

Welcome back!

Carl Andrew BradbrookT his is a three part letter, so if you didn’t yet read the first two parts of this letter or want to refresh your mind then click the links below.

Part One: click here to open the page (new window)
Part Two: click here to open the page (new window)

My Intentions for the “Simple Imagine Manifest System” Training

When I created this training I set some powerful intentions to steer the path and pave the way for an outstanding and transformative experience for everyone who takes the training, no matter what stage they are at in their journey of Imagining and Manifesting. (and it IS proven a great success!)

Setting very clear and precise intentions is a KEY part of Imagining and Manifesting and I show you how to do that "extremely effectively" in the training.

I actually set a lot of intentions for the training and here are 3 of the main guiding ones.

Firstly, my intention is that everyone who joins the training and follows the steps, manifests their desire(s).

Secondly, my intention is that we clear up any questions that you have about Imagining, Manifesting and Revision, so that your mind is free to focus on the task at hand which is "Imagining and Manifesting Your Desire".

Thirdly, my intention is that you really embrace the simple Revision and Clearing processes that we use on the training so that you can achieve a level of peacefulness and happiness in your life that makes "Assumption of Your Desire" (the feeling of your wish fulfilled)... and therefore the manifestation, Easy!

What Can You Expect From The Simple Imagine Manifest System “Live” Training?

My goal is that the training gives you a similar level of “Hands On” service that my private clients get, so that you can get up and running fast and embrace imagining as a fun and playful way of life.

You will get your questions answered and achieve a level of clarity about imagining that is privy to those rare few people, who have quietly stepped out of “Reality”, and stepped fully into the  realm of “Imaginists”. (I'll talk more about that in a minute)

Plus (and this is BIG) there is a kind of magic when you jump in and learn from group sessions, where you’ll find that most of the challenges that you have, other people are having too and when they have breakthroughs in their thinking and actions you’ll start to have them too.

My intention is that your mind is cleared from all the misconceptions about imagining and that you are TRULY empowered to really start building a fun practice into your life.

It’s actually a lot simpler than you think and a lot easier to do.

This is your chance to really have some powerful breakthroughs and start manifesting your desires!

I’ll be there for you, whilst you work through the Simple Imagine Manifest System training, to answer your questions, so that this is the best training that you have ever been on.

Life in it’s essence is really simple and my desire is to help you realize that truth in your life.

Here's the Outline of Your Life-Changing, Desire Manifesting Workshop Series

Just wanted to express my deep gratitude to you for being our awesome guide through this SIMS training.

I know that you had your challenges and I appreciated your honesty and vulnerability in sharing your blocks and how you revised them. There is nothing quite like in the moment examples like yours that really drive home the messages in your wonderful teachings.

Thank you also for going the extra mile for all of us by really being there to answer all of our questions and going for 2 or more hours for each call then giving us bonus calls - you really ROCK!!!

I've done lots of training courses but I can honestly say that this one really stands out for me.

I want to do you proud by applying what you taught us here. I will be emailing you soon with lots of success stories. 🙂

Peace and love to you always,

Patty xoxo

Our On-Line Venue For the Simple Imagine Manifest Training Workshops.

There are two main ways that you can participate in the training.

1) Participate in each of the workshops in the PRIVATE Simple Imagine Manifest Members Area (24/7), which means that you can attend in a workshopstyle environment on your schedule and when you are inspired.

...and (this is BIG) whilst you are listening to the workshops you can ask any questions that come up for you during the session. You literally type the question whilst it is on your mind, in the comment box, without having to leave the page and I will respond to your questions.

2) In the members area you will find all of the downloads for all of the works shops including the videos, audios, guided imagining sessions and the workbooks and transcripts.

So the choice is yours whether you want to immerse yourself in the training via the members area or download and study the materials offline.

(Most people do both and take advantage of the magic of the online members environment, whilst deepening their absorption of the training's offline.)


I'll be there every step of the way to answer your questions as you work through the training. You can ask your questions via the comment form on each of the "Workshop Pages" whilst you are in the members area.


Here’s what you get when you join the Simple Imagine Manifest System:

The FULL Simple Imagine Manifest System is delivered via 10 (ten) recorded training workshops with Carl in the private SIMS Members Area.

The workshops follow a 6 week format, so that you have plenty of time to go through the materials for each week and put into practice in your life what you have learned.

Value US$997

You will also receive these training materials:

  • 10 (ten) FULL  audio recordings, one of each entire teleseminar event. Some of the workshops have both a "Video" and an "Audio with Slides" presentation section. You receive both the "Video" and the "Audio" in separate parts so that you can listen to or watch more easily to the section you want to review.
    Value US$$497
  • 10 (ten) Guided Imaginary Experience Sessions. Each of these is different and each has a space for you to IMAGINE your desire. You can load these onto your favorite mobile device for easy playing where ever you are.
    Value US$$497
  • Your Question's Answered by Carl. If at any time during the training you have questions come up for you and you need an answer, you can contact me with your question via the Question and Answer section in the members area. (How to do this is explained in the members area)
    Value US$$497
  • 10 (ten) "Workshop Transcript" and "Workshop Slide Sets". You'll find these handy when you want to refer to some of the material in the workshops or look at the example pictures.
    Value US$$297
  • Treasure Chest of Workshop Bonus Materials. I included a LOT of supplementary materials in the training such as eBooks, knowledge sheets, video, workbooks, process audios, process guides (PDF, mp3, video). All of the bonus materials are designed so that you have the relevant materials for each workshop on hand when you need them so that you can deepen your knowledge on the topic at hand and easily do the processes.Value US$297
  • Full access to the exclusive "Members Only" website. This is where you download all of your materials each week and read the  "Questions and Answers" from other members and myself.
    Value US$297

Total Value US$3,379

In case you are wondering if you can afford to join this one of a kind Imagining and Manifesting “Live Workshop Training”?

Let me make it really easy for you.

Your training fee is a single one time payment of just US$333

and here’s why…

The Simple Imagine Manifest System will work for you, … if you’ll just give it the slightest chance.

This training is for people who really want to achieve their desires and if you are ready to do that, just click the button below and "Get Started Today".

If you are still pondering and wondering “Is this training series for me” here’s your answer.

If you have any issues currently in your life AKA “Problems” that need solving, then imagination is a sure-fire-skill you can use to get yourself out of those challenging situations pretty fast and get yourself back on a more peaceful path.

If you have any desires that you have been sitting on for a while and done nothing about, then imagining them in the workshop environment and at home for your daily practice is a powerful way to energize those desires and line them up.

If you have desires that you have done everything you can think of to manifest and still not manifested them, then you will gain the knowledge to first see if they are the right desires to imagine at this time and secondly have the tools to finally manifest them.

You will also get clear so that you can make a decision as to whether there is something else you should be working on first.

If you don’t know what you want, then this training will help you get clear on what you want and which objective to go for.

If you have multiple desires and are not sure which one is best to work with, then this training will help you get clear on a starting objective.

If you can’t relax or can’t concentrate, then this training will solve that problem in the first session.

If you were good at imagining and manifesting but have hit a roadblock, then this training will give you the breakthrough you have been seeking.

If you have been putting off starting an imagination practice because you are too busy and can’t find the time, then this training will give you a solid framework to begin building your new habit.

If you have never done any Imagining before, then this course will give you a foundation of powerful Imagining tools that most people are still seeking after years of practice.

If you are “stuck in a rut” then this training will give you the confidence to get out of the rut (Pronto!)

If you are an “Abundance Life Vision Training Member”, then you can use this training to imagine specific imaginary experiences related to your Life Vision. You will accelerate your imagining skills and also benefit from the workshop environment. The structured format of the training will also help you to improve your imagining practice.

The key to success with almost anything in life is simply "Starting" (taking the first step) and that includes imagining.

Your successes can’t happen until you take the first step.

Joining the Simple Imagine Manifest Training Workshops is probably the most powerful first step you could take.

“Right-Imagining” can solve any problem that you have because it is the reverse of the “Wrong-Imagining” that caused the problems in the first place.

This will be an interactive training and I want you to ask your questions and get the answers, which will clear your mind, so that you can move forwards powerfully and gracefully in your life.

My imagination has healed me, healed animals, put food on my plate, money in my pocket, paid debts, saved me money, put a roof over my head, found me friends, healed my relationships, given me transport, taken me on many overseas trips, helped me learn, helped my business, changed the way I feel about myself, put a permanent smile on my face and in my heart and surprised me with many, many other wonderful experiences and gifts. (...that's the short list)

There’s probably a lot more I could think of if I really put my mind to it. I feel like new doors are opening every day and I’ve just scratched the surface of what is possible. 

Take good note that using your imagination consciously should be "Fun and Playful" and when you begin to see it and use it that way you’ll start to be more relaxed and when you are relaxed it is easier for your desires to manifest.

Here’s What Happens When You Join The Simple Imagine Manifest System Teleseminar Training

1) As soon as you have made your payment for the Simple Imagine Manifest System Teleseminar Workshops Training you will have immediate access to the members only area.

On the home page of the members area is a form for you to join the “Members Only” mailing list. It is that contact list which I will use to contact you for everything to do with the training. I will notify you every time that I add new information to the members area, so that you know that it is available for download.

You'll find your workshop content from the training is neatly organised into each individual workshop so that you find it easy to access as you progress through the training.

2) "Carpe Diem" and be prepared to have massive enjoyable breakthroughs in your imagining skills and in your life!

Here’s what you get when you join the Simple Imagine Manifest System:

The FULL Simple Imagine Manifest System is delivered via 10 (ten) recorded training workshops with Carl in the private SIMS Members Area.

The workshops follow a 6 week format, so that you have plenty of time to go through the materials for each week and put into practice in your life what you have learned.

Value US$997


You will also receive these training materials:

  • 10 (ten) FULL  audio recordings, one of each entire teleseminar event. Some of the workshops have both a "Video" and an "Audio with Slides" presentation section. You receive both the "Video" and the "Audio" in separate parts so that you can listen to or watch more easily to the section you want to review.
    Value US$$497
  • 10 (ten) Guided Imaginary Experience Sessions. Each of these is different and each has a space for you to IMAGINE your desire. You can load these onto your favorite mobile device for easy playing where ever you are.
    Value US$$497
  • Your Question's Answered by Carl. If at any time during the training you have questions come up for you and you need an answer, you can contact me with your question via the Question and Answer section in the members area. (How to do this is explained in the members area)
    Value US$$497
  • 10 (ten) "Workshop Transcript" and "Workshop Slide Sets". You'll find these handy when you want to refer to some of the material in the workshops or look at the example pictures.
    Value US$$297
  • Treasure Chest of Workshop Bonus Materials. I included a LOT of supplementary materials in the training such as eBooks, knowledge sheets, video, workbooks, process audios, process guides (PDF, mp3, video). All of the bonus materials are designed so that you have the relevant materials for each workshop on hand when you need them so that you can deepen your knowledge on the topic at hand and easily do the processes.Value US$297
  • Full access to the exclusive "Members Only" website. This is where you download all of your materials each week and read the  "Questions and Answers" from other members and myself.
    Value US$297

Total Value US$3,379

Your training fee is a single one time payment of just US$333 and you can get started today "Imagining and Manifesting your Dream Life".

My Simple Imagine Manifest System Training Workshops Guarantee

… you are not on the hook even a little bit by checking this system out,

Because you have a…

30 Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Let me be even more generous with my guarantee.

That’s 30 days from when you enroll in the training

What this means is that you get to attend 30 days of the training, so that you can really dive deep into the training and give it all that you’ve got which is what I will be doing too.

You get to attend all the recorded teleseminar workshops in your own time-frame and learn the essentials of having a successful imagining practice.

You get the opportunity to ask your questions about Imagining and get them answered (so that you are finally clear and free.)

You get to do all of the group imagining sessions. (to imprint your objective desire)

With all my heart I want you to succeed and I will be bending over backwards (yoga style) to make sure that I do whatever I can do to help you.

Here’s how it works:

Order your Simple Imagine Manifest System Training Workshops Series right now.

You will immediately be added as a “Workshop Member”…

…which means that you get to attend ALL Ten FULL Simple Imagine Manifest System Recorded Teleseminar Workshop Training's with Carl.

You will also receive these training materials

  • 10 (ten) FULL  audio recordings, one of each entire teleseminar event.
  • 10 (ten) Guided Imaginary Experience Sessions.
  • Your Question's Answered by Carl.
  • 10 (ten) "Workshop Transcript" and "Workshop Slide Sets"
  • Treasure Chest of Workshop Bonus Materials 

Plus you’ll have immediate access to the Simple Imagine Manifest “Members Area”,  which is where you will go to download your training materials and ask your questions.

You’ll have unlimited access to the entire training… forever.  As long I’m in business training and coaching and adding updates, new bonuses, you’ll have access to all of it.

24 hours a day.  7 days a week.  365 days a year.

From anywhere in the world (as long as you’ve got a device that can get online.)

You’ll have unlimited access to the entire Simple Imagine Manifest System PLUS all the updates, now and evermore .

The Simple Imagine Manifest System will work for you, … if you’ll just give it the slightest chance. And if it doesn’t… you get your refund, promptly and without hassle.

This means you really risk nothing and have everything to gain.

Your training fee is a single one time payment of just US$333. Just click the button below to begin your Imagining Journey today!