Welcome To The Imagining Formula Part One


Fasten your Seat Belt!

Grab a cuppa coffee or tea (or your favorite beverage) and also make sure you have your note book and pen handy.

In this webinar, you're going to discoverΒ  some of the "Secrets of Imagining and Manifesting" that most people overlook.

This is the stuff that we have to be aware of IF we want to play the Game of Life and once and for all time "Master" it.

There's things about the "Nature of Life" I'm going to share with you that most Would be Imaginists and Manifestors would rather ignore. (consequently getting poor, if any, results)

However when you grasp the truths and embrace them, you will find that you start making meaningful choices about what you desire to experience and manifest and the direction you wish your life to take.

You will also realise that what you wish for and imagine really will appear and that brings a kind of "Inner Calm" to this whole "Imagining" battle. (Yes, for most people it's a battle)

On the flip side of the coin, when someone says to me they are going to "Nevillise" a goal they usually have a long way to go. "Nevillise" is a term the Ego loves. AND it is a great incentive to get most people startedΒ  (yours truly included;-)

Translated it means "Do nothing and get loads of stuff" which the Real Imaginist knows is a Red Herring that leads to a frustrating nowhere.

The "Nevilliser" is usually in denial and fools himself and justifies it,Β  whilst the Real Imaginist knows "The Blessings of The Good Life " come easily when you are "Clear" and get your "Inner Game" right.

In the webinar we're going to Go Deep into this whole Ego thing as it's an intrinsic part of who we are and as it needs to be understood so that it can be healed and aligned for our "Highest Good".

In one of Neville's books there is a quote:

"If The Fool Would Persist In His Folly He Would Become Wise"

This webinar is for all of us fools who wish to become wise (and have a ball of a time doing it πŸ˜‰

Keep that "Seat Belt" on!

...and let's get started!

P.S. At the beginning of the webinar I ask some questions. You can either jot your answers down for yourself in your note book or if you feel like it share them in the comments below.

P.P.S. The webinar unfolds sequentially in 5 parts. We'll chat again after you have watched it all.

If you have questions, the comments is the place to ask. However I do highly recommend that you first think about your question (write it in your notebook) and then sleep on it.

Start learning to ask your loving Higher Self to guide you and Unconscious Mind to assist you. (Of course I'm here to help too if you're stuck.)

When you have finished watching Part One click the image below to go to Part Two.



If you have a question please put it below in the comments so that I can answer it in the comments. In that way everyone benefits from both your question and my answer.

(Also, if you are "feeling inspired", leave an uplifting and inspirational comment below for those who follow you πŸ™‚

Remember to subscribe to the comments so that you receive a notification of reply by email.

55 thoughts on “Imagining Formula Part One”

  1. My answer to my First question. 5 years
    2nd question: NOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!
    I have struggling for 13 years after some success in business and relationships. My goal is to have a thriving human development business, just like yours , and earn an income of $365k dollars a year.
    Despite of the fact that I have been spending a lot of time and money in programs of all kind in order to get the skills and knowledge necessary, all I’ve got is my time and money consumed and no positive results. On the contrary, I am going even deeper and deeper on my debts with credit cards and IRS. Not counting on my marriage that is in turmoil, a total disappointment.

    • HI Elcio!
      Thanks for being here and thanks for sharing!
      I completely understand where you are at and
      you’re not alone in that situation.

      Watch all the parts of the formula and listen
      to the audios and let me know in the comments
      when you have some AH HA moments. see if the
      formula gives you the solution to what you’ve
      been seeking.
      Carl πŸ™‚

    • 1. 35 years
      2. No
      3. Yes (from where I came from)
      4. Yes
      5. To be the person it takes to be a Godly influence while building a enormous Network business for wealth and freedom for others and myself.

  2. 1st question: 5 years.
    2nd question: NO !!!!!
    3rd question : NO
    4Th question: YES
    5th question: I have been studying for 5 years and learned a lot about myself, the world and people. I have even been able to help a few other people through my knowledge and my humble skills, however I can’t get to help myself, as far as my own goals are concerned. It looks like everyone else is supposed to have a their goals accomplished but me. Some thing inside of me is blocked and I can’t quite know what it is. I believe it has to do with my relationship with MONEY. There might be a paradigm that I still don’t know why it is. MY GOAL IS TO HAVE MATERIAL WEALTH, but it seems that all I am getting is exactly the opposite. I going deeper and deeper in debt with my bills and the US government- IRS.
    Because of these problems I lack peace of mind.
    Thank you for asking.

    • Hi Elcio,

      Thanks for sharing!
      Money is one of the biggest issues on the planet
      and I’m working on a video to de-mystify the money
      issue. I was going to do that just for members but
      I think that I’ll make it available to subscribers
      too as it will definitely help. I’ll email when that’s
      available – probably in next couple weeks.

      Regarding blocks to your own desires manifesting, you’re
      not alone in that. Everyone has conflicting programming
      in their minds in one or more areas of their life. The
      Imagining Formula works in 5 Parts and clearing, Re-vision &
      healing mind and consciousness is the one that most
      people don’t address yet is the one that results in
      the biggest breakthroughs. All will become clear as
      you watch Part 5 of the Formula.

      Carl πŸ™‚

  3. Hola Carl…por favor a los audio seos podria mandar co subtitulado en EspaΓ±ol? Te estare muy agradecida.

  4. 1. Years in self-help — 30 plus years, although I consider it more a spiritual path rather than merely self-help.
    2. No.
    3. Yes.
    4. Yes… which I attribute to my undisciplined, uneven application of the principles.
    5. No. 1 — Health issues– arthritis pain; deeper commitment and focus of No. 4 because I know it works.

    • Hey Andrea!
      Thanks for sharing!
      Jim Rohn used to say:
      “A few simple disciplines practiced
      everyday = a whole new life…
      What stops us is the old habitual
      patterns of doing the stuff that
      doesn’t set us free as opposed to the
      stuff that does set us free…
      I’m certain you’ll have some
      ah ha’s as you move through the
      parts of the formula.
      Great that you are here!
      Carl πŸ™‚

  5. Q1. 36 years
    Q2. No
    Q3. Yes
    Q4. Yes
    Q5. Achieving absolute clarity on the next stage of my journey as artist toward my ultimate goal of making a powerful connection with millions of people all over the world with my voice & music.

  6. Q1. 15 years
    Q2. No
    Q3. Yes
    Q4. Yes
    Q5. The biggest problem that I have currently is in my business, finding my ideal clients who want what I have to offer them through coaching packages that will help them release subconscious limiting beliefs and toxic emotions so that they can bring healing and balance to their physical and emotional well being.

  7. 1 4
    2. one step I am no longer with my husband who lived that and wanted myself and family to live that whole’cookie cutter blue print life’ so I feel empowered there’s much to do though in respect of other things in my world.
    3. yes manifested a promotion a home renting though and my toyota yaris last xmas.
    5. concentrate on clearing(old life having my emotions stirred) and stop focusing on that, focus on my techniques. to mind my thoughts stepping forward into my self my higher self and embracing faith in knowing all that there is waiting for me is everything I need via my higher self however doing this on a more consistent level until it becomes a part of my everyday life.

    Thank you

  8. 1. 9
    2. No
    3. Yes
    4. Yes
    5. I don’t know what I want anymore. I’m becoming desireless – not because I have everything but just because I’m tired of all the seeking, all the chasing, all the bs. Its not that I’m resigning to my ‘fate’ , or giving up. Rather, I have a deepening feeling that being content is all. I can’t really put it into words. There’s an inner knowing that chasing pushes away, and desiring only attracts more desiring.

    • Hey Robert,

      You need to go deep bro…

      Its the presenting negative emotions that are the clue to healing the past beliefs, patterns programs behaviours etc that are stopping you from BEing all that you desire to BE.

      Gotta clear that stuff. Unconscious Mind brings it up to be cleared and on the other side is the sunshine and joy of life once again

      Blessings bro

      Carl πŸ™‚

      • Dear Carl,

        Thank you very much for your warm welcome. Well, I think I am already on my way to find my Higher Self – I make use of Jin Shin Jyutsu to center myself, but also to pass the energy to other people and also animals. My professsion, however, is IT consulting. Thereby I specialised on developing and optimising websites to be accessible and meeting also the conditions of visually-impaired people.

        Thanks to a Mastermind group on LinkedIn I found my way to Neville Goddard (Twenty Twenty), which finally brought me to your side when I was looking for some more resources. After attending the first part of the webinar I must say that it’s very informative, bringing some new facts to me. So I am curious about the next part.

        Kind regards,

  9. 1. 7years 2.yes 3. yes 4. no I am interested in examples of communicating with imagination. I see alot of negative do not do this type of communicating. We see less of positive communicating.

    your descriptions were very good. Excellent first webinar. I would like to help others also in the law of attraction. would like to hear some exaamples how I could pursue this? Thank you for all your efforts. Tom and Laura

  10. Question 1:2 years
    Question 2: no
    Question 3: no
    Question 4: yes
    Question 5: I don’t know what I truly want. I easily get anxious. Every time I think positively, something bad happens. I always think life and the society are all against me. Even though my goals have achieved, I always found out that they are not truly what I want at the end. I am still not happy. I think I just want to be happy.

    • Hey Amelie!

      Saw you joined the Imagining Formula training!
      I’m looking forward to seeing you get on track and get that Happy vibration happening in your life!
      Carl πŸ™‚

  11. Q1. 8 years
    Q2. No
    Q3. Yes
    Q4. Yes
    Q5. Attracting substance addictive people into my life, this is currently my son and it is torture. I have been seeing him well as Neville suggests but I fail to keep this positive attitude when my son is not well. So I guess I need to know how to keep the momentum going.

    • Hi Sue-marie,

      Welcome and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

      Good that you are following Neville advice and Imagining.

      I’m going to be very straight forward with you. We’ll leave the fluffy stuff to others as I think that you are more interested in direct and successful action to solve your issues.

      Ok… substance addiction is Low energy and attracts lower energy entities.It weakens the energy protection system. Depending on what nature of substance your son is addicted to is the degree. (Neville was aware of the lower entities and even mentions it in one of his audios in passing and in reference to his teachings)

      I highly suggest you contact mark at http://red-spirit-energy-healing.com/ and let him know of your situation and your sons situation and ask him to check both of you out for energy interference. His site is excellent and has a huge amount of information on the topic. If your son has entity interference or contamination then Mark will probably suggest an energy healing and possibly for you too.

      This is important as the interference works to interfere with all the good you are doing .

      Now. Energy attracts similar energy. So a process of clearing of negative emotions and patterns behaviors beliefs etc should be followed. Things like judgeents resentments, sadness , etc etc . The kind of stuff that most people have…

      When you clear your Unconscious Mind the positive thinking starts to become more easy. This is the work that most people dont do because its not glitzy glamorous manifesting success stuff. BUT note well that Neville said it is to Re-vision that we owe the prime fruits of our success. The clearing of negativity IS the stuff that sets you free so that you are naturally balanced and can easily take your natural harmony into your imaginings and create the life you desire.

      Most people dont understand that they are taking the most energised content of their unconscious minds into their deep imaginings as well as they stuff they want and what shows up in their lives is the most energised as it MUST be cleared .

      Congrats for showing up to watch these videos and I know this training will help you. Clearly you have work to do. But you know that…right?

      Blessings to you!

      Carl πŸ™‚

      • I wanted to follow up on this tread for those of you that are reading…
        Sue-Marie emailed me back and said:

        Wow Carl, that was incredible of you to take the time to reply in such detail. Thank you. I will check out the site & keep you informed.
        Many blessings to you.


        Sue-Marie, Thanks for emailing me back and yes definately contact Mark.

        Sue-Marie and anyone else reading this thread…

        I’m not sure if you noticed the ways in which Imagining works in the world…

        Your imaginings attracted an answer that you were seeking… Part of a “golden thread” as Neville would call it.

        The manifestation of imaginings most often doesnt end up in a direct manifestation of something. For example someone imagines 100$ and it drops down out of the ether on to the kitchen table… More likely there is a thread, a gloden thread and series of actions that occur that lead to the manifestation of the desire.

        So, Sue-Marie I wanted to make sure that you give yourself a pat on the back for successful imagining. Keep imagining the desired end result until you have a knowing that “It Is Done” and it will be done πŸ™‚


        Have a magnificent weekend!


        Carl πŸ™‚

  12. Thanks for your information Carl. I have been in touch with Mark and I am looking forward to the positive path this will open up for me and my son. Much appreciated xxx

  13. Carl, thank you for such amazing, coherent information – so well done and thought provoking. I enjoyed the entire video. I watched part of the second video, but had to come back to it later.

    But when I came back to it, the link below the first video that says “Click the button to go to the next part” wasn’t hyperlinked. That was yesterday, and I tried it again this morning, and it still isn’t hyperlinked. Is there anything else I can do to watch the rest of the videos?

  14. 1. 15 years
    2. No
    3. Yes but few only
    4. Yes
    5. I want to sell my house but there is a lot of work to do inside and outside the house and don’t have the money to do that and the worst is that the winter is coming so I just have a short time especially for the roof ….I need to sell the house to begin a new life in a better environment for me and my dogs and accomplish my dreams

    • Hi Johanne,
      Welcome and thanks for taking the time to share!
      The motto for my “Higher Self Help” website is “Anything is Possible” and I have experienced and received some amazing sharings and testimonials as to what can be achieved with IMAGINATION πŸ™‚
      Neville actually had a very profound testimonial from a lady in a similar situation who received the money for the repairs she wished to do for her house including a new roof. There are many stories of people selling their houses. Read the Law and The Promise. Also there is a Success Stories audio on http://higherselfhelp.com you can listen to
      Ok, so you have an objective to sell your house. Another objective to fix it first. Another objective to accoplish your dreams. Limiting beliefs around “Time being short” which I guess is putting you out of emotional balance and causing stress which interferes with your ability to be calm and centered and BE AWARE of ALL the synchronicity’s and opportunities…Another block in the area of not enough money. Another block in the area of perception of how much work has to actually be done to sell a house…e
      So there is quita lot going on in you mind and some conflicts to resolve.
      But remember “Anything is possible” and “there are ways you know not of”

      I think you will enjoy the Imagining Formula webinar and get some great ah-ha’s as you go though it. The Imagining Formula will show you a way to deal with all of your objectives and also obstacles. Also have a think about your objective as you have shared it and see if it is possible to simplify it. Let me know and I’ll offer some feedback. Make it clear and entirely in the positive. (Leave money out of it – Deal just with the objective of what you want to happen regards selling your house)

      IN JOY !
      Carl πŸ™‚

  15. Wow and Wow!!! yes there is a lot in my mind …Thank you very much Carl for your comments and advise…it means a lot to me. I will do what you recommand…

    Anything is possible…Yesssssss…

    Thank’s again…


    • Hey Matthew!
      Welcome to the solution πŸ™‚
      Watch the vids and listen to the audios and please ask when you have questions
      Blessings bro!
      Carl πŸ™‚

  16. 1. all my life
    2. no
    3. not really
    4. yes
    5. how to change my basic imagining – change from imagining the things I don’t want and learn to imagine the things I do want – how do I actually do this stuff and get real results – I want to know and feel and have Christ consciousness to achieve the life I would love to have – financial success, abundance, happiness, love.

    • Hey Brian!
      Welcome aboard and thanks for posting your answers!
      From your answers I think you’ll get a lot of clarity from this webinar.
      (So many people are in the same situation.)
      In Joy the webinar!

  17. 1– 3.5 years
    2– NO
    5– Abundance,,,, So I can Retire and Travel, and see the World,, and Byooty of Life. : )

    • Hey MarQus!
      ABUNDANCE is already in you bro -Your Birthright
      Now you gotta tap into it.
      If you are looking to “retire” then you’ll find this training in-lightening
      Quick clue πŸ™‚ People only want to “retire” when they are living their life
      from the wrong perspective, not using their GOD given gifts and talents that
      are oozing abundance and joy πŸ™‚
      Personally I never want to retire πŸ™‚
      So, uncover/discover your gifts and hone them and give of your gifts and talents
      Blessings bro!

  18. It is interesting to note that Abdullah, mentor to Neville Goddard, was fluent in the mystical fields as you mentioned. I know an Israeli Levite who said that Hebrew has many meanings attached to the varied usages of the language, not just one. As for the imagining formula, some of the material reminds me of the Course in Miracles. Anyway, I used to be strong with my higher self in my late teens and early twenties, but somehow got lost in the barrage of Worldly nonsense along the way. I am hoping to rediscover and strengthen my resolve to reconnect as such. It is somewhat difficult to escape the nonsense of the general population that is so fixated on material possessions and devaluing the human Spirit – the true essence of who we really are.

  19. 1. 15 years
    2. no
    3. yes, I have had some success
    4. no i dont feel like there is something missing
    5. my biggest problem right now is financial and health. I seemingly keep running into “crashes”

    • HI Kattalina!
      Yes financial and health usually go together as challenge areas.
      We must work on our well being and energy levels as that assists us in all areas of our life.
      In reagrds to maney issues the first polace to start is to look at what you are doinmg with the money that you do have.
      Fix any dysfunctions that you do have now in the area of money in your life. If you are just starting out on this wonderful imagining and manifesting journey and creating a vision for your magnificent life you will have some learning and practice to do. Probably you can significantly cut your outgoings in order to reduce money worries and stress and be able to more calmly and effectively focus your energy into your well being and your journey. Most peoples Ego programming is the cause of their money dysfunction. The Ego thinks it needs a lot of stuff to be OK but in fact it has to manage and pay for and take care of all that stuff. Release what you dont need and focus on what you truly desire – the life vision training will help you do that…
      You can turn your life around, get your well being on track and get your finances into balance quite quickly. Imagining and life vision will help you set your course. Practice and experience will be your friends on your journey of becoming a co-creator.
      Blessings Kattalina – I believe in you!
      Have a happy day!!!!
      Carl πŸ™‚

  20. I have already cut way back , i do not overspend, etc. have been responsible and rebounded several times already. But this illness contributed to me going on SSI, and i paid out of pocket for that but it didnt help much. i am sorry but your answer was not useful to me. thanks

    • HI Katalina!
      Ok, so the answer may be useful to someone else who reads this thread, so thanks for your response πŸ™‚
      So, there must be some beliefs, programs, behaviors that are out of alignment in your Unconscious Mind that are serving up the undesired life experience you are going through. Physical illness is not the first in the series of warning signals that we have that something is out of alignment. I know that from personal experienmce as you would know from going through this free training.
      Your job is to set yourself a powerful vision or goal and highly energise that with imagining. This is step one in the creative part of the process. From what you have shared It would probably be some kind of goal or vision where you are radiently well and happy and imagining it powerfully lights up your whole being.
      You do this part and get that imagining really happening it will be the catalyst for the sequence of events that create the changes in your life. Fear of change is a biggie for most people as they hang onto what they have like a life raft. So make a decision to change whatever you need to change to set yourself free.

      What change work do you do you do a regular basis?


      • Hi Kattalina,
        Can you please post to this comment what you emailed me privately as it really can help other people when you share.

        Many people have similar issues and can get ah-has from the replies I take the time to make. I answer to help people for free in the comments but when people email me directly it is in the realm of private coaching and for that I charge a fee. Literally I don’t have the time to answer all of the questions that come in privately. Many of the questions are the same problems representing in different variations as per the persons life experience.



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