Imagining HQ,
Somewhere in the Tropics…
(Pretty close to the local palm tree lined beaches with golden-white sands and turquoise waters)
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I want to make a bold statement before we get into the details.
This training is going to cut years off your learning curve for Imagining and Manifesting. It will be a powerful training for you.
You don’t need any experience. You can be an absolute beginner or you can be a seasoned professional or anything in between.
You could be a frustrated imaginist ready to quit or perhaps someone just dipping their toe in the water to see if it works.
You could be someone who has never made the time to imagine regularly or can’t relax or confused where to start.
If you simply decide on a heart felt objective ("aligned goal" in modern speak) and imagine that in each group imagining session…
PLUS you do at least one daily imagination session (each day) during the 6 week period, you have a high probability of manifesting your objective. (You may even manifest more than one)
If you are a Neville fan then you could think of this as “Class Instruction 2017” as we will be taking guidance from Neville’s truth revealing Biblical interpretations, whilst diving deeply into the practical application of Imagining and manifesting.
So, let's begin at the beginning.
What you you would like to Imagine and manifest?
What's on your Mind?
What problems do you need solving?
What would you like ADDED into your life to make it even more wonderful?
On this 6 week imagining and manifesting journey (aside from freeing your mind and getting some deep satisfying vibes happening in your life)...
You'll discover...
- What really is Imagining and why is it so powerfully trans formative?
- What kind of problems can you solve with Imagining?
- What kind of experiences can you create with imagining?
You'll integrate...
- How to use Imagining to manifest what is "Missing" in your life.
- How to use Imagining to transform yourself and let go of the "Old Version Of You".
- How to use imagining to transform your life and become "The Best Version of You".
- How to use imagining to get yourself out of situations that are making your life miserable.
You'll get organised...
- How to prepare for imagining sessions and make sure you are in "The Right Mood".
- How to relax so you are "Receptive" for your imagining sessions.
- Why you need to be able to "Relax Quickly and Easily".
- How to "Relax Your Body Quickly and Easily" letting stress and tension fall away at your command.
- How to "Clear Your Mind Quickly and Easily" ready for your imagining sessions.
- How to connect with your Higher Self for inner guidance.
- How to connect DEEPLY with your infinite I AM.
- How to communicate effectively with your Unconscious Mind and "Get Powerful Help" for your Imaginary experiences.
- How to get your Unconscious Mind working immediately on your desires.
- How to know when you have unconscious conflicts and what to do to resolve them.
You'll access your intuition...
- How to know which desire to work with in your imagining practice.
- How to turn a desire into an objective (goal).
- How to choose the right objective (goal) to work with in your sessions.
- How to Imagine effectively even if you could never do it before.
- Discover "The Best and Most Effective Times" to Imagine (there are quite a few).
- You will have the answer to the old favorite imagining question "How long will it take to manifest my desire?"
You'll energise..
- Why it is important to increase your energy levels and vibration.
- How to end the energy drains in your life.
- How to increase your energy and vibration in your Imagining sessions.
You'll BE clear...
- Discover The Most Important "Must Do" imagining steps.
- Avoid the most common (and costly) imagining mistakes.
- Discover the traps that almost automatically make people fail at imagining.
You'll step boldly into your day...
- How to close your imagining sessions.
- How to conduct yourself between Imagining Sessions.
- How to overcome doubt.
- How to overcome your own negativity.
- How to overcome other peoples negativity.
You'll Know...
- How to use imagining to solve ALL your problems.
- How to use imagining to heal yourself.
- How to use imagining to get fit.
- How to use imagining to change your body.
- How to use imagining at work or in your business.
- How to use imagining to get a promotion or a new job.
- How to use imagining to find the right partner.
- How to use imagining to heal your relationships.
- How to use Imagining to make new friends.
- How to use imagining to have new experiences.
- How to use imagining to have holidays and travel anywhere in the world.
- How to use imagining to obtain possessions in your life.
- How to use imagining to get a new home.
- How to use imagining to create abundance and prosperity in your life.
- How to use imagining for academic achievement (and any kind of learning including spiritual evolution).
You will learn how to use imagining for absolutely anything you desire. It's simple and it works.
You will learn Revision and Clearing in depth so that you can deal with any issues that come up in your life, the kind of issues that would normally leave you stuck in an emotional turmoil.
Revision and Clearing IS the KEY area that really clears the path for "Imagined Desires to Manifest" (and much more quickly), but most people don't do it because they have no idea what to do or when to do it.
On the training you will see and learn from REAL LIFE examples where participants (including myself) had "Inner Blocks" that were sabotaging their happiness and success and stopping them from achieving their desires.
You'll see, learn and experience from those examples and how we easily and quickly "Revised and Cleared" them (and during the training you'll learn how to do that too - it's actually a lot easier than you think)
Hi Carl, I want to let you know how very much I loved your Imagine Manifest Class. Your class has had a HUGE and noticeable impact on my life.
People are commenting on how calm and peaceful I am and that I give off such a happy vibe! (BIG CHANGE)
You've given me the tools I need to not only help myself, but help others! I now feel empowered to move forward in partnership with my super powerful Unconscious Mind, clearing and revising along my merry way while creating a beautiful and fulfilling life moving forward.
I can't express how much this has meant to me, and I'm sad the class is over! I'll miss hearing your lovely accent! Thank you for being so authentic and vulnerable yourself.
You really touched us all!
Hugs and Big Thanks, Jan.
Jan Davidson - USA
So, how’s this going to work?
These are a few of the pieces of the imagining jig saw puzzle that we will be covering in the Ten (10) Imagine and Manifest workshops.
In each of the workshops we start with a knowledge section where I share with you the fundamentals of building a powerful imagining practice into your life.
Then we do the group imagining session together where I guide you through the relaxation and connection techniques, so that you enter easily into your imaginary experiences at a deep level.
Over the Ten (10) sessions I help you to integrate the imagining steps into your Unconscious Mind so that they are integrated at the deep levels of your being
We also have the "Question and Answer" platform in the members area where I will answer all your questions on whatever you need answered to satisfy your conscious mind about Imagining and the techniques, so that you are clear in your mind to move ahead in leaps and bounds.
This is your BIG chance to solve ALL of your imagining problems.
Each of the sessions will build on the previous one so that you become ever more confidant and competent with your imagining practice.
By the end of the training you will have gone from your current level of skills to having the "Consciousness" of BEING a conscious and competent "Imagininst" who has control over the direction and outcome of their life.
I'm totally excited about this training and I give 100% to make sure that everyone on the training achieves their intentions for the training.
So jump right in if you resonating with this and feel, know, see that finding out more could help you move forwards in your life.
See you on the next page!
Carl 🙂