Part One: Neville Breakthrough Exclusive

carl-andrew-bradbrookDid you miss it?

Did you miss the hidden messages in Neville's teachings?

Here's what I lovingly said to my dear friend who is the most disciplined and diligent Neville student I have ever known...

(The email was longer than the excerpt I showed you above)and...

He was stunned and I'd never seen him that way.

All of a sudden he was listening and open.

I must admit I was a bit annoyed when I wrote my reply.

He had been repeating the same old rhetoric that everyone else
was following and failing with.

Our discussion had been on "Inner Conversations" and how they
define your world.

The generally accepted conclusion is that you must control your
self talk to change your world.

But I KNEW from experience that was the "observation" NOT the

I discovered through a series of inner visions and journeys
beginning on the 22/2/2018 that your self talk AUTOMATICALLY
changes when you change your State of consciousness. (NOT your
self talk creating a change in consciousness)

This is really a most important point, because it changes the way
we create change

I'll explain...

There are 3 main areas we need to address FIRST on our journey to freedom.

The first KEY to mastering your life is to "Seek First The
Kingdom Of Heaven"

This is absolute wisdom because it ends ALL struggle and inner

The struggle and conflict is there to WAKE US UP and bring us

If we are already awake then it is no longer necessary and can be

It is usually the most difficult step for people to take

But when we approach it the way it is supposed to be done it
becomes easy.

Instead of learning to "let go and let God" (which can take

We ACTIVATE the Holy Trinity within us (Instant)

(You know already that all change is instant don't you)

Think about Neville's stories, the visions he and his students

First there was an "inner vision"

Then there was a change of consciousness.

It was AUTOMATIC (instant)

The "Inner Vision" activated the change in consciousness and
subsequently each persons experience of life changed.

What I discovered is that in the same way that we use imagining
to manifest our desires we can use "Specific" imaginings to
change states of being.

States of being we are given at birth are the "Deep Core
Archetypal" programming that drives our life (to WAKE US UP).

All of our other programming, habits, beliefs, behaviors sit on
top of our deep core identity.

When we make changes at our deepest levels the old beliefs and
"Inner Conversations" automatically change.

You don't need to wait to have an inner vision

You can simply ACTIVATE them in you.

It's like turning on the light. (click)

So I have created three simple "Inner Journeys" for you, that
create the most powerful fundamental changes.

They utilize ancient highly energized Archetypes and Metaphors of
the Deep Unconscious.

The first is the "Holy Trinity" inner journey

This addresses "Seek First The Kingdom of Heaven"

You may already think you have inner alignment to your Higher
Self and Father...

After this activation you will know it and feel it.

The Second is Gifts and Talents

Our Lord gave us unique gifts and talents for our journey.

Are we TRULY using them?

We actually have multiple gifts and talents in lower and higher
levels of our consciousness.

BUT we can only receive our next level gifts and talents if we
are using the ones that we've already been given. (remember the

The KEY is to unlock and use the ones we have.

Then as we ascend in consciousness our Lord reveals what we need for the next stage of our journey

The Twelve Disciples

You've heard of the 12 disciplines of mind which are the 12
qualities given to man at the foundation of the world.

I'm sure that you'd love to develop those transforming qualities
of consciousness.

But do you really know how to do it?

Remember... they were "given to man at the foundation of the

Like your gifts and talents you already have them in you.

In this inner journey we will ACTIVATE the 12 disciples in you.

Those are the three foundational journeys that I'd like to take
you on.

Most people are approaching Neville's teachings from an
intellectual perspective.

Yet we are told "only a child can enter the kingdom of heaven"

...and we know "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of
a needle that a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"

The child mind plays and delights in using it's natural God given
gifts and talents joyfully.

The intellect calculates, bargains, negotiates and talks with
itself and achieves little.

I AM offering three sessions of coaching where I will guide you
through unique processes that will "activate" your transformative
higher qualities and faculties that are dormant in you.


That's the KEY to unlocking the mysteries of Neville's works...

...and I AM high frequency and an expert at activating my clients
higher levels of consciousness.

It's one of my gifts and talents that I use joyfully

In your three sessions I will guide you through these processes
so that you too can begin to experience your miracles in your


"There is no one to change but self"

and your whole world changes as you change at your deepest
"Archetypal" levels.

Your investment in yourself for your 3 "Personal Private 1-1 Coaching Sessions" is US$600

It includes:

* Your three transformative sessions
* Audio recordings of each of your sessions
* An audio of each activation (3 audio activation's)

After each session you will play your activation for 7 days
before you next session so that you fully impress your Father
with your command.

Change has never been easier!

Click the link below to order your 3 sessions and get your life
moving forwards powerfully today.

Click here to order your Neville Next Level "Personal Private 1-1 Coaching Sessions"

After you have made your payment click this link to open the "Contact Form" and let me know your city and country location and I will send you a choice of two times for your first session.

These sessions are extremely popular and booking out fast so make sure that you order today so that you are fully activated in 2018.

Do what the other Neville students should be doing but completely missed...

Become a child again and make your life heaven on earth.

When you KNOW who you are and EMBODY that truth on all level of your being your life becomes interesting, joyful and easy.

Thank you!

Blessings and abundance!

Carl 🙂

P.S. What I have found from my work this year is that change can be as easy as the parting of the waters of consciousness in Exodus to reveal the land of milk and honey. Order your session today while I still have available spaces. Click here to order your Neville Next Level Sessions

There are 4 Parts in this email series and here are the links:

1) Neville Breakthrough Exclusive. THIS PAGE

2) [Neville Mastery] ONE simple truth that ensures enduring success (or not). Click here To Open Page

3) Intuition, The Higher Self and Inner Alignment. Click here To Open Page

4) Words, language, cycles, waves and transcending Jacob's dark night of the soul. Click here To Open Page