Change-ability & Change Mastery

I've recorded a little audio for you on the topic of change. It's important because events in our world have started moving very fast.

Change Ability Change Mastery
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Here's a brief overview of what's in the audio:

  • What's going on in the construct of our world and how to observe it.
  • Mother Earth's role in our lives.
  • The true meaning of the commandment "Honor they Father and Mother"
  • Why we need to develop our change-ability right now.
  • Changes in energy levels of the planetary environment and how they affect us.
  • How to manage ourselves during these high energy outputs.
  • The true meaning of the commandment "Do not commit adultery".
  • Which levels of the Universe we need to master to unlock our higher faculties.
  • What is the Mirror World, what is the Real World.
  • How your Higher Self can help you change.
  • The meaning of the story of Exodus.
  • What is your "Kingdom of Heaven" within and how to access it.
  • What happens when you imagine and visualize your desires?
  • How to play this Game Of Life.
  • Steps you can take right now

In the audio I mentioned a couple of training's that you might want to consider as a step you can take now.

The first is called "Your Abundance Life Vision".

It is absolutely essential that we have a clear picture in our minds of what we want from life, so that we can actually "Live It".

And when you create your life vision "in alignment" with your Higher Self and you do the inner work to energise it, your life will change.

You need to have your vision and be consistently imagining yourself living it, in each and every moment.

This is how desires manifest. You live them NOW.

You pretend, you act and you assume it is already so.

Its really the catalyst and then everything else starts shifting into place.

The outer world is the mirror, your inner world is where you create your new.

The mirror will change as you change within.

So learn to stop focusing on what is and really focus on where you want to be.


It's really that simple to get started.

This training is a journey and you will find some more information here: (link opens in new window)

The second training that I mentioned is the "Simple Imagine Manifest System"

This is all about working with your Life Vision OR a specific objective that you are working on (if you already have your Life Vision in place).

The BIG hurdle that stops most people from experiencing their hearts desires manifested, is how to handle the emotional roller coaster that comes up when change has been activated within them.

Everyone without exception wants a better life, but when change starts happening they fall back and cling furiously to the old story because it seems more safe than change.

Wanting to experience something new, whilst clinging onto, observing and living the old story, creates most of the inner conflicts

This comprehensive training takes you through a process of working with your desire to energise/manifest it and also releasing the "old patterns and behaviors" from your life that energetically anchors the old in place.

To find out more (including an over view of each of the individual workshops and what's included) visit this link:


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