The Evolutionary Superlearning The Masters
Is Superlearning Real?
Discover a natural way of learning that turns YOU into a GENIUS overnight!
Imagine YOU being able to Mentally Photograph The Entire Illustrious Life Works Of Some The Greatest Thinkers and Self Help Teachers That Ever Lived…
And then extract ALL of the information, techniques and mind set that is relevant to YOU and have it bubble up to the tip of your tongue or the nib of your pen without even breaking a sweat…
What miracles would you create in your life?
A few years ago that might have been the most ridiculous suggestion that you ever heard, but today it is ENTIRELY TRUE.
Imagine, like I did, that you could solve YOUR OWN greatest problems and do it in a matter of days or weeks instead of years.
Which of your problems would you solve first?
What would your wonderful new life be like?
Who would you help?
What is Superlearning The Masters?
Superlearning the Masters is an easy to use Superlearning Library of the best classic self help knowledge ever written by some of the most famous authors of all time.
The books are organized into synergistic learning modules such as the Wealth Module, the Business Module, The Well being module and the Kick-Start motivational module.
The Superlearning Modules are also organized by Author so that you can Superlearn the entire life works of an author.
The first module of Superlearning the Masters is: Neville Goddard
Module One: Superlearning Neville
Probably the BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH in learning Neville’s materials since the advent of the internet.

Prior to the Internet coming into existence Neville’s works were known only by a few faithful students in the USA.
Then came the internet and Neville’s works became available to more and more people.
Now the latest breakthrough is in a proven learning system which directly imprints Neville’s wisdom into your Unconscious Mind for you to access at will.
Further down this page you can find out more of the incredible benefits that are NOW available to you when you start Superlearning Neville.
Included in Your Neville Superlearning Module Are:
- FULL set of 11 Neville Books (Including Class Instruction)
- FULL set of 294 Neville Lectures
- ALL Lectures in one searchable PDF
- Superlearning Books Video
- Comprehensive Superlearning Training
- Superlearning Lectures Video
- ALL Books in one searchable PDF
A Brief Overview Video of What’s Included In Your Members Area
Find What You Want With Easy Search
This short video show you how you can search through Neville’s entire life works with the click of a mouse and quickly find every single instance of any word or phrase he wrote or spoke.
How much time will you save and fast will that accelerate your learning curve?
Could it get better than this?
Neville Goddard is the first of the “Author Modules”
Now discover the:
- “Harmonious Wealth and Abundance Module”
- “Success in ANY Business” Mind Set Module (Business, Marketing, Sales and Advertising GENIUS)
- Kick Start Module – To get you going from the inside out.
AND, if that wasn’t already enough…
Check out the PROVEN benefits of using the Superlearning system in your life in the two brief informative videos by the creator of the Mental Photography learning system.
Scientifically Proven Benefits:
In this astounding video below Richard Welch, father of Mental Photography, shares some of his findings at the Global Science Conference.
Here’s a few benefits that have been experienced by people using this system of learning
AS Richard explains, this is a direct programming technique and is different from Hypnosis, NLP, Meditation, Visualization and other mind disciplines. (This is a completely new skill that can enhance other skills)
- Raising level of awareness by 7-10 times the normal.
- Accelerated learning at 50-100 times the average.
- Need for less sleep
- Better organization.
- More productivity.
- Higher energy levels.
- Meteoric rises in business, industry and athletic endeavors.
- Elevated whole brain activity.
- Stimulates growth of dendrites (to store new information).
- Strengthened neural pathways
- Hemispheric left and right brain balancing.
- Heightened neural communication between conscious and unconscious.
- Greater memory capacity.
- Better and faster comprehension of any materials
- Better decision making.
And in my own experience and findings the benefits are even more than just these few.
For your informational pleasure find another highly informative video from Richard at the bottom of this page.
and NOW…
Harmonious Wealth and Abundance:
The beginning of a NEW journey into your Abundance
As you know from watching my introduction video “Cracking The Wealth” puzzle was where my superlearning journey started just a few short weeks ago.
By the time I had finished going through a stack of classic Wealth, Money and Success books using the superlearning process I had some new distinctions on wealth and I also confirmed that what I was currently doing was aligned.
What I also discovered is that some of the knowledge was not in the usual places that you would look if you have been following the Law of Attraction teachings that are so popular today.
Encouraged and excited to share this knowledge I decided to put together this Harmonious Wealth and Abundance Module.
My challenge to you is that you “Decipher the Wealth Riddle” for yourself using the superlearning process.
And my guarantee to you is that if you don’t find it you can email me and I’ll share my findings with you. (BUT not before you have a go on your own).
Part One Superlearning Wealth Books
- Dollars Want Me Henry Harrison Brown
- Fundamentals Of Prosperity Roger Babson
- Open Your Mind to Receive Catherine Ponder
- The Psychology Of Use FW Sears
- The Science Of Getting Rich Wallace Wattles
- The Richest Man In Babylon George Classon
- The Laws Of Financial Success Edward Beals
- How to Turn Your Ability Into Cash Earl Prevette
Part Two Superlearning Wealth Books
- Prosperity Through Thought Bruce MacLelland
- Eight Pillars Of Prosperity James Allen
- How To Make Money B F Austin
- Prosperity Charles Fillmore
- Rich Mentality Harriet Hale Rix
- The Law Of Opulence Wallace Wattles
- The Art of Money Getting PT Barnum
- Prosperity Through Spirituality Annie Rix Millitz
- Keys To Richer Living Lewis Dunnington
- From Poverty To Power James Allen
Part Three Superlearning Wealth Books
- Law Of Success In 16 Lessons Napoleon Hill
- Think and Grow Rich Original Version Napoleon Hill
Success Mind Set For ANY Business:
(Advertising, Marketing and Sales for Business)
A group of businessmen were gathered together and were discussing the ramifications of the recession.
The heated conversation went on for a while until the others noticed that one man was simply watching and smiling.
The talking came to a halt and one man asked:
“What do you think John?…The recession doesn’t seem to have affected your business.”
John continued to smile as he quietly said:
“I decided not to take part in the recession”
Prior to writing this sales letter I used this process to input 10 books on Sales, Marketing and Advertising by a group of the most well respected and successful advertising men of all time.
I noted that all displayed outstanding integrity and that all they shared was proven fact.
Together their business experience counted over 200 years.
This knowledge helped me overcome an inner conflict that I had regarding sales and marketing. (A conflict that I had for almost 6 years was quickly dissolved)
No matter what your business, no matter what the state of the economy, YOU can learn this knowledge and use it wisely grow your business.
Selling (with integrity) is an essential part of life and a noble profession without which the world would come to a standstill.
Advertising, Marketing and Sales GENIUS Superlearning Books
- The Power Of Creative Selling Earl Prevette
- My Life in Advertising Claude Hopkins
- Breakthrough Advertising Eugene M Schwartz
- Intensive Advertising John E. Kennedy
- The Robert Collier Letter Book Robert Collier
- Million Dollar Sales Letters Robert Collier
- Confessions Of An Advertising Man David Ogilvy
- Scientific Advertising Claude Hopkins
The Kick Start Module:
Because you don’t know what you don’t know

The most difficult and challenging step on anyone’s personal development journey is getting started.
Then there is the challenge of keeping your momentum going
AND just when you think that everything is “Hunky Dory”…
…there come the “plateaus”
Most people experience a series of “plateaus” on their self development quest.
It’s a breathing space and essentially a point at which their current knowledge won’t take them any further.
If you are experiencing any kind of challenge or stuck-ness the KICK START module will get you moving again NATURALLY from the inside out!
The KICK START module contains some of the greatest FOUNDATIONAL self help books ever written.
The Classics.
AND NOW you get to superlearn them!
The KICK START Superlearning Books Includes:
- Acres Of Diamonds Russel Conwell
- The Magic Story Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey
- The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
- The Magic Of Believing by Claude Bristol
- Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
- It Works RH Jarrett
- How To Turn Failure Into Success Harold Sherman
- TNT It Rocks The Earth Claude Bristol
- Secrets Of The Ages Robert Collier
- The Key To Power and Personal Peace Uell Andersen
- The Miracles Of Your Mind Joseph Murphy
- The Science of Being Great Wallace Wattles
- The Secret of Success William Walker Atkinson
- The Personal Power Course Wallace Wattles
- The Lost Word Of Power Robert Collier
- The Cosmic Energiser Joseph Murphy
- New Thought Lectures The Book Without An If FW-Sears
- How To Attract Success FW-Sears
- Rebirth A Lecture by Joseph Murphy
- Everyday Experiences FW Sears
Mental Photography Explained
The system created by Richard Welsh was developed first in the 1970’s and Richard Welsh did huge amounts of research into the effects of the processes he created and he sponsored many University studies.
The system has been constantly expanded and contains many techniques for extracting the information that you input.
This is the system I am now studying.
Copyright © 2014 - 2020 SuperlearningTheMaster.com by Carl Bradbrook
Copyright © 2014 - 2020 SuperlearningTheMaster.com
by Carl Bradbrook