Practical Trainings by Carl Bradbroook to Help you Imagine and Manifest your Dreams & Desires Whilst Joyfully Living Your Highest and Life Path

Neville Goddard
Secret of Imagining Collection

There are Two segments to the "Secret Of Imagining Collection". The first is Neville's original materials which includes 138 lectures in his own voice, all 11 books as PDF's and 295 Original Lecture transcriptions as PDF's.

The second is the materials that I have created to assist you in the Practical Application of Neville's teachings

This is an amazing collection for the dedicated Neville student who wants to master his/her life

Click here for complete details and to purchase the Secret of Imagining Collection

Your Higher Self
Evolution Training

You will learn to go within and align to your Higher Self that will then guide you with information that is tailor made for your personal life journey.

No Matter how difficult or challenging your past has been, your Higher Self will lead you to your Freedom and Joyful Abundant Life.

Click here for full details

Abundance Visualization Training

QUOTES: "I visualized my paycheck being several hundred dollars more that it usually is and within one week, I earned the money easily..."

"In less than a week from doing the counting-money visualization and within 3 days of starting this training, I have manifested $54K..."

"Looking forward to the course. I already practiced the Counting Money and won $1,000 today. What a great way to start! Thanks!"

Click here for FULL Abundance Visualization Training details

Superlearning The Masters

Imagine YOU being able to imprint your mind with The Entire Illustrious Life Works Of Some The Greatest Thinkers and Self Help Teachers That Ever Lived…

And then extract ALL of the information that is relevant to YOU and have it bubble up to the tip of your tongue or the nib of your pen without even breaking a sweat…

What miracles would you create in your life?

Click here for a full overview of this simple to use process that turns YOU into a GENIUS overnight!

Simple Imagine Manifest System

Practice and embody "Advanced" highly effective Imagining and Visualization Processes with this 6 week guided course.

You will also learn how to effectively and quickly Clear the Blocks that come up with powerful Clearing and Revision techniques for de-energising the Undesirable Past and overwriting it with your Highly Desirable Future.

Click Here for a very comprehensive overview of what you can expect when you follow this training:

Higher Self Accelerator Program

This is a Private Coaching and Training Combination package designed to help you align to your Higher Self and Master Your Life.

You will receive the following:

  • Your Higher Self Evolution Training
  • Your Abundance Life Vision Training
  • Your Simple Imagine Manifest System Training
  • PLUS FIVE Personal Coaching Sessions.

In your first private coaching session we will do a "Deep Dive" into your life and determine where you are at now on your levels of Consciousness, Mindset and Game of life Skills. We will then determine what you TRULY want for your life and your action plan.

The most important stages are "Align to your Higher Self"; "Develop your Aligned Life Vision"; "Energise your Life Vision"; "Clean up your Mind and Clear the Blocks". Your coaching sessions will be available to help with each of the stages.

For more specific information read each of the training overview pages and refer to the testimonials page for feedback on my coaching. If you have any questions please ask using the contact form and click here to purchase your Higher Self Accelerator Package

Imagine & Manifest
Your Abundance Life Vision

You will learn about the REAL Game of Life which includes Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical aspects of reality and develop your powerful Higher Self Aligned Life Vision.

Click here for complete overview and purchase options

Vizualization Turbo

QUOTE:  "I installed visualization turbo about a month ago. I contacted you a few weeks ago to let you know I had sold a painting for the first time in several weeks after using VT. I have to tell you that I am now selling work regularly, and have several commissions on the go. It’s incredible!"

"Visualization Turbo is the best tool I have ever come across that works directly with the subconscious mind . Since utilizing this tool I have had the best winning streak in trading since I began in 2001 and I have hit a new high in my venture capital ."

Click here to discover more about how your mind works and Visualization Turbo