Hello and welcome!
This is Carl Bradbrook here.
I hope you enjoyed the video and can see how EASY it is to use Visualization Turbo to help you to create changes in your inner programming and thus in your life.
On this page I wanted to quickly cover what it is that you receive when you invest in Visualization Turbo.
There are also two other videos on this page covering “How Your Mind Works” and “Social Proof” and Three Cheat Sheets that you can download at the bottom of the page which cover what you learned in the videos.
You can click the ”Add to Cart” button further down the page to get started straight away. Access to the members area is immediate.
“Further Success: It’s Incredible!”
“I am now selling work regularly… “
I installed visualization turbo about a month ago. I contacted you a few weeks ago to let you know I had sold a painting for the first time in several weeks after using VT.
I have to tell you that I am now selling work regularly, and have several commissions on the go. It’s incredible!
I even did an experiment with the uk and euro lottery. I never win usually, but since starting affirmations two weeks ago I have won twice. OK, not the jackpot but I won nevertheless.
The power of the subconscious mind is incredible. I have known this for a long time through books I have read, but VT is a workable, practical way of getting ideas into your SC mind easily and effortlessly.
Thanks Carl and watch this space!!
– Andrew Pepworth
Best Winning Streak in Trading Since I Began in 2001
“…and I have Hit a New High in My Venture Capital”
I am a long term contracts for difference trader on international markets and have worked extensively on the psychological components of a healthy trader mindset.
Visualization Turbo is the best tool I have ever come across that works directly with the subconscious mind .
I am a powerful believer that the subconscious mind hold many of the pitfalls that plague a trader psychology.
Since utilizing this tool I have had the best winning streak in trading since I began in 2001 and I have hit a new high in my venture capital .
The absolute beauty of this product is that you can take someone else’s product and wisdom and design your own program within it that has meaning for you and you only.
I have designed a whole visualization and affirmation program around my goals and aspirations for my trading future and I have it switched on flashing its pearls of wisdom to my subconscious mind all the time.
I believe I have yet to have the full force of this fantastic tool unfold with my trading success.
Thank you Carl for your foresight and wisdom in designing this ultra modern tool that is totally in synchronicity with all up to date research about how our minds and hearts really work.
Put you own emotion and soul into your program and you will get great benefits I am sure.
I hope this has captured the spirit of how I feel about your turbo machine…
I love it!!
Cheers, Paul
– Paul Pierce
Want to REALLY understand "How Your Mind Works"??? Watch this BONUS VIDEO
Getting started with Visualization Turbo is really really EASY and you can be up and running in less than 15 minutes from NOW!
You've Heard of Social Networking...NOW Let Me Show You How "Social Proof" Can Transform Your Life
You've Heard of Social Networking
...NOW Let Me Show You How "Social Proof" Can Transform Your Life
Below are a couple of views of the current IMAGE and AFFIRMATIONS Packs
Introducing the Happiness Helpers!
This is a set of images that I created for myself and then put in the members area.
If you do nothing else other than play the Happiness Helper images and affirmations and start really getting the Happiness Happening in your life then this will empower you more than virtually any other thing you can do.
Happiness is our natural state of Spiritual Being (Not Ego Being 🙂 ) “We Gotta Get the Happiness Happening in Our Lives”
Feeling That Universal Connection!
This is another set of images that I created for myself and put into Visualization Turbo when I launched in 2011. It’s really all about brining in that gratitude for life and feeling that connection to Mother Earth, The Animals, Nature, People and the Universe.
This is what life is truly about…Love, Connection and Happiness. If every man woman and child on this planet could fee the LOVE of ONEness which is our true nature, then what a magnificent transformation we would see. Let’s make it happen!
Program Your Unconscious Mind For Money Ideas and Attracting Money While you're at it Attract some Gold Opportunities and Gold too!!
22 Packs with Images and Affirmations so you can get started IMMEDIATELY
“I am really blown away by how comprehensive it is”
“You seem to cover just about every possible angle that one could be concerned with”
I am in the process of downloading all of the various components of your system. I am really blown away by how comprehensive it is.
You seem to cover just about every possible angle that one could be concerned with. The Videos for set-up and working with the software are truly all encompassing.
Thank you for working so hard to provide great support for what you sell.
Be Blessed,
– Jim
Ian Richardson Got Started and…
“Visualization Turbo has changed my life.”
“Contacted By New Client For Work…”
Ian Richardson here from Sydney, Australia and I want to tell you how much Visualisation Turbo has changed my life.
Now that may sound dramatic, but it’s the honest truth.
I’ve been unemployed for over 2 years and relying on the Government for an income that just basically keeps you alive. My ambition was to create a business using my Internet knowledge to help local businesses become more successful. I have been “mucking around” with the idea of having an Internet business and to “not be geographically tied to an income” since 2000 and thought it was time to get serious and take the plunge.
The BIG changes in my life and business started happening quite suddenly after I received my Visualization Turbo program and got it running on my computer.
I could list a number of things that changed and happened but the most significant was just recently.
I wanted to visit Carl personally which required traveling overseas. As well all know this can be quite expensive involving airfare, accommodation and food, all of which added up to far more than I thought I could afford.
Without feeling discouraged I just let the thought go and allowed the Universe to find the solution for me.
Within a week the solution was presented to me.
I was contacted by a new client for work, thus giving me more money to use for the trip. This client works for a major airline company and as a favor he offered to secure a return ticket at a quarter of the price, this left more money in my pocket for spending while overseas.
All this was possible only due to the subliminal images presented to me through Visualization Turbo.
I honestly and wholeheartedly believe this to be true and this is why I am giving you my HIGHEST recommendation and implore you to grab your copy of Visualization Turbo today, install it and take note of the changes that happen in your life.
Your future starts NOW.
– Ian Richardson
(My now successful internet business)
One Time Payment US$49.95 US$29.95 - Instant Access!
You are covered by my 30 Day, Rock Solid , “100% Money Back Guarantee”
Instant Download – Even at 2 am
All Major Credit Cards, PayPal Accepted
Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
N.B. Access is immediate after payment. After ordering please check your “email in box” for your log in details. (If you do not see it in your inbox check your spam folder). Your access email is sent immediately on completed payment.
Wishing YOU
all the SUCCESS
Carl Bradbrook
Self Development Training Specialist
P.S. Remember, you’re covered by my “No-Questions-Asked”, 100% Money Back Guarantee. All the risk is on me, and all the benefits are on you. If it turns out that you don’t like Visualization Turbo, simply contact me and I’ll promptly refund you in full.
P.P.S. NOW is the only time that you can ever take action. NOW is the only moment you ever have the POWER to change your life.
Get started NOW with Visualization Turbo and let the program give you the leverage in YOUR LIFE!
P.P.S. Here are your Cheat Sheets:
Download Cheat Sheet #1.
Download Cheat Sheet #2.
Download Cheat Sheet #3.
Get Visualization Turbo
Get the POWER happening in Your Life!
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Experience YOUR INNER Change
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Copyright © 2009 - 2020 Visualization Turbo by Carl Bradbrook
Copyright © 2009 - 2023 Visualization Turbo
by Carl Bradbrook